are bushy sideburns unatractive?

ok I have bushy sideburns(and im a dude just to clear that up) and im wondering if that is preventing me from getting a girlfriend.

Answer #1

I hate sideburn on a guy.I like more tradition styles and the clean cut look.

Answer #2

Hello:) Well I don’t know what you look like. But Honestly, I don’t like them… But hey! If you like it then maybe you should try to find a girlfriend that likes your, “bushy sideburns”.:)

Answer #3

hahaha that made me laugh. ummm… no I dont think thats a big issue. maybe make them less bushy, and if they go to the bottom of your ears or lower it’s kinda oldies and gross. or at least I think do, about halfway down your ear is perfect to me.

Answer #4

I used to shave off my sideburns and people started calling me a whole bunch of names and said “No sideburns are worse than bushy sideburns”. I let them grow back, but just like no two snowflakes are alike, both of my sideburns grow differently, but I try to keep them atleast a centimetre or two in length and thin. People say I look a lot better with them. I am also self conscious about facial hair. I dislike it so much and find it gross on other guys, that I shave twice a day to keep my face clean and neat.

Answer #5

I agree with babyitsfact

Answer #6

personally, I think its gross when a guy has no style and wild hair. clean cut is the way to go. but thats just me.

Answer #7

I like it !

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