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Appearance survey
your apearance..
1Hair Color
2Is it Dyed?
3Eye color
8Body Type
9Shoe Size
11Want More?
13Want More?
15Overall Best Feature?
16Overall Worst Feature?
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?
- black
- slate dark grey
- 5’6” 1/2
- moshposh
- reading glasses
- nope
- skinny?
- size 9
- ears
- ummm…
- nopey
- sure!
- NO!!!
- clavicle
- eye brows
- my mom-asian features like the chinky eyes and skin; my dad-eyes and attitude
your apearance..
1Hair Color- Brown
2Is it Dyed?- No
3Eye color- Baby Blue
4Height- 5’11
5Style- Earthy and natural, Organic and raw
6Glasses/Contacts/None? None
7Freckles- No
8Body Type- slim
9Shoe Size- in the summer I go everywear barefoot and in winter wear boots size 10
10Piercings- no
11Want More?- dont have any
13Want More? would like one yeah
15Overall Best Feature? Ridiculous question, how can someone judge there own body as best part or worst part, its soo fashist, I love my whole self 100%
16Overall Worst Feature? There is none, Im perfect and beutifull in every way that nature intended, to see a part of yourself as worst is a very self degrading action.
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? I hope neither but scientifically I know its about 50/50
1Hair Color - brownish black and blonde
2Is it Dyed? -yes, my natural hair color is dirty blonde
3Eye color - brown, well technically hazel. my friend says gold.
4Height - liiike 5’2
5Style - er stereotypically, emo or skater
6Glasses/Contacts/None? - none
7Freckles -yes D’:
8Body Type -averaaage. ahahaha at first I thought this said “blood type” xP
9Shoe Size - a 6? or maybe it’s a 7. I don’t know probably 6.. I don’t know
10Piercings - ears. I DID have an eyebrow ring,but I had to take it out. im getting it done again though xP
11Want More? - yes, my eyebrow ring back, and snakebites
12Tatoos? - none
13Want More? - yup, a black star on each wrist
14Braces? -nope
15Overall Best Feature? -mah hair?
16Overall Worst Feature? -eeer I don’t know too many too pick from :/
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? - uh mom?
1Hair Color - currently dyed chocolate brown
2Is it Dyed? - why yes, see above.
3Eye color - green
4Height - 169cm(ish)
5Style - uumm…nothing specific, I dont follow trends unless they look good on me. I like to wear fitted clothing that flatters my body type.
6Glasses/Contacts/None? - none (yay)
7Freckles - YES :(
8Body Type - fit, slim upper body, big hips & butt, small waist.
9Shoe Size - 8 (AUS)
10Piercings - just my ears I got done when I was 17 and I nearly fainted lol.
11Want More? - no, see above.
12Tatoos? - oh geez nooo
13Want More? - um, I said no, stop pressuring me, lol.
14Braces? - no BUT I was MEANT to have them when I was younger and refused and now my teeth are crooked :(
15Overall Best Feature? - um I duno…my eyes I guess.
16Overall Worst Feature? my freckles/crooked teeth/ugly feet
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? my mum (yes, in Australia we say ‘mum’ not mom) hehe
1 Browny Ginger
2 Yeh
3 Blue
4 5Foot 10
5 Hmm… What I Want :P
6 Glasses
7 Nerr
8 Biggish Boobs, Big Hips Lol
9 UK 7
10 Ermm Ears 5 Times In Each, And Belly 5 Times
11 Yep Tounge And Lips
12 Nahh Soon I Will
13 Yepp
14 Nerr
15 My Eyes
16 My Weight
17 My Mam
your apearance..
1Hair Color- Brown
2Is it Dyed?- Nope
3Eye color- Brown
4Height- 5’5
5Style- ♥Irene♥
6Glasses/Contacts/None? None
7Freckles- Nope
8Body Type- Uh Tiny?
9Shoe Size- 6
10Piercings- Ears
11Want More?- Probably
13Want More? Yep
15Overall Best Feature? My personality
16Overall Worst Feature? My attitude at times
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? Sure why not lol
your apearance..
1Hair Color–BROWN
3Eye color–LIGHT BROWN
8Body Type–AVERAGE
9Shoe Size–7
10Piercings–5 IN EACH EAR, TONGUE
11Want More?–YEAH
12Tatoos?–1 ON MY WRIST
13Want More?–YES
14Braces?–NOPE NEVER
15Overall Best Feature?–DUNNO
16Overall Worst Feature?–MY HEIGHT LOL
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? –MOSTLY MY DAD
your apearance..
1Hair Color Dark Brown
2Is it Dyed?Nope
3Eye color Regular Brown
4HeightUm im not sure like 5ft. or something
5Style Um clothing stuff wise Im just normal, I dont like labels ^-^ Hair wise same. Long Brown, bangs.
7Freckles Not really
8Body Type Eh normal
9Shoe Size I have no clue, like a 7
10Piercings None, not even ears
11Want More?No
12Tatoos?Never in a million years
13Want More?no
14Braces?I will soon
15Overall Best Feature?Honestly my personality
16Overall Worst Feature?Um my acwardness.
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?My mom I think
1Hair Color - Dark brown
2Is it Dyed? - nope
3Eye color - brown
4Height - 5ft 1 >.<
5Style - ermm I don’t follow labels either :P Usually casual ,but not all the time :)
6Glasses/Contacts/None? - none
7Freckles - yes.. on my nose ://
8Body Type - average
9Shoe Size - 4-5 (uk)
10Piercings - nopee
11Want More? - maybe :)
12Tatoos? - nah
13Want More? - Not realss
14Braces? - nope
15Overall Best Feature? - mehhh I don’t know, eyes??
16Overall Worst Feature? - errr nose hahaha
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? - I have random things from my dad (obvs),, but people say I look like my mum :P
your apearance..
1Hair Color light brown with lots of blond streaks (natural)
2Is it Dyed? nope
3Eye color blue
4Height 5’2
5Style dressy, but casual at the same time. depends on what im doing and where im going
6Glasses/Contacts/None? glasses
7Freckles nope
8Body Type I weigh 135 pounds but im curvy
9Shoe Size 7 1/2
10Piercings none
11Want More? no
12Tatoos? none
13Want More? no
14Braces? nope
15Overall Best Feature? my hair
16Overall Worst Feature? my legs
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? everyone says I look like mom, but I think dad
1Hair Color Black
2Is it Dyed? No
3Eye color Brown
4Height 5’8
5Style Goth
6Glasses/Contacts/None? None
7Freckles None
8Body Type Average
9Shoe Size 12-13
10Piercings None
11Want More?Only 1
13Want More?No
15Overall Best Feature?My friendly smile
16Overall Worst Feature?My butt
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? Both
too many people have answered this, but too bad - I want to aswell.
1Hair Color - dark blonde/light brown
2Is it Dyed? - blonde highlights
3Eye color - green/brown
4Height - 160cm
5Style - preppy or jeans with coloured tops
6Glasses/Contacts/None? - none
7Freckles - few, not noticable
8Body Type - small boobs, bigger butt
9Shoe Size - 8 (Australia)
10Piercings - ears
11Want More? - no way
12Tatoos? - no way
13Want More? - no!
14Braces? nup, perfect teeth
15Overall Best Feature? legs/tan
16Overall Worst Feature?chest
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? mom’s body, dad’s face
1 Brunette 2 Au naturelle 3 Blue 4 5’ 7” 5 Erm…I just wear what I wanna to be honest 6 Glasses or contacts, depends on mood 7 No freckles 8 Quite slim/slender actually 9 UK size 6 10 Just ears pierced 11 Meh,, ears again, and belly button if I tone my stomach more, bit flabby atm :L 12 No tattoos 13 I don’t have any tattoos, only want one of a star on hand or foot 14 No braces 15 My eyes are quite nice apparently, although they don’t work 16 Nose is worst feature 17 Traits from Mum, Height from Dad
your apearance..
1Hair Color - Dark brown
2Is it Dyed? - No
3Eye color - brown
4Height - 5
5Style - sophisticated, sometimes casual
6Glasses/Contacts/None? none
7Freckles - a bit but not noticable
8Body Type - skinny petit
9Shoe Size - 6
10Piercings - two piercings on each ear
11Want More? - yes, belly button
12Tatoos? - no, but thinking
13Want More? no, just one
14Braces? no
15Overall Best Feature? My nose haha
16Overall Worst Feature? Height!
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? yes, they’re both short.
1Hair Color - at the moment copperish brown
2Is it Dyed? - Yep
3Eye color - blue
4Height - 167 cm
5Style - casual
6Glasses/Contacts/None? - glasses but only for driving at night
7Freckles - a REALLY small amount on my nose
8Body Type - average?
9Shoe Size - 6 (UK)
10Piercings - only ears
11Want More? - nope
12Tatoos? - none
13Want More? nope
14Braces? nope, never had them
15Overall Best Feature? - eyes and butt
16Overall Worst Feature? - stomach
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? neither, grandmother.
1Hair Color - naturally light brown
2Is it Dyed? - yes but looks coppery :S
3Eye color - green
4Height - about 5ft 5”
5Style - eerm girly casual
6Glasses/Contacts/None? - none
7Freckles - yes on my nose and cheekbones
8Body Type - eerm dont know size 6/8
9Shoe Size - 6/7
10Piercings - ears
11Want More? - nope
12Tatoos? - nope
13Want More? - I want one in a few years time
14Braces? - nope
15Overall Best Feature? - dont really have one
16Overall Worst Feature? - probably legs
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? - mum
1Hair Color - Dark brown
2Is it Dyed? - No o.0
3Eye color - Golden brown
4Height - a little over 5’
5Style - classy, sophisticated, deep colors
6Glasses/Contacts/None? - none
7Freckles - none
8Body Type - thin, but with curves
9Shoe Size - 6
10Piercings - regular on ears
11Want More? - double piercing on ears
12Tatoos? - none
13Want More? - never D:
14Braces? - no
15Overall Best Feature? - eyes
16Overall Worst Feature? - probably legs
17Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? - dad
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