Anyone heard of 'Fireflight'?

Anyone heard of the band ‘Fireflight’, I think they just came out in 2008 but I’m not sure…But anyway if you have heard of them whats your favourite song? Mine is ‘Unbreakable’

Answer #1

I’ve heard the name - they actually formed in 1999 but I guess never made it big till recent. Woah, they must be pretty patient, I probley would have given up after that long. That’s good for them though :)

Answer #2

My favorite is ‘Waiting’ …and yes… they’ve been around for a long time.

Answer #3

Yes I <33333 them!!! I met them like 3 months ago at a concert and theyy signed everything!!! Fireflight <33 :)

Answer #4

pfft! YEA

Answer #5

Aw. i thought i was about the Song Nevermind XD

Answer #6

XD HAHA niice! highfives :P

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