Anyone have tips on memorizing?

One of the subject that I am studying requires me to mermorize the content word-for-word. The problem is I will usually forget what I mermorize 2 to3 days after mermorizing it. Are there any suggestions on how I can remember them for a longer time? Also are there any quick way of mermorizing?

Answer #1

replace the lyrics to an awesome song with your text

Answer #2

There are lots of tips out there…I use a story line…say you need to memorize a list…take the first letter of each word and make up a story…or picture…good luck… the great lakes…HOMES…every good boy does fine…etc…

Answer #3

thanks =D

Answer #4

put it in a song

Answer #5

put it in a song

Answer #6

first, you memorize it, it’ll be a little hard for you if you aren’t used to it. after that, u’ll remember it the next day, right? go through the content everyday, even just once a day. Then u’ll remember it longer as long as you skim the content just for once a day. for a quick way, there’s no way other than to fully concentrate. good luck

Answer #7

thank you all! :D

Answer #8

Use index cards…

Answer #9

thank you :)

Answer #10

I say seperate it section by section and memorize one part and then the other.. its easier for me that way!

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