Anyone else hate amy winehouse?

Anyone else h8 amy?I h8 her

Answer #1

F*ck yes, shes a stupid singer and an even stupider famous person, shes complely dwindling away her career over drug and alcohol not to mention hanging with the wrong crowd, plus her songs suck, horrible teeth,hair etc…I really could go on forever!

Answer #2

Hate is a strong word, yes considering you don’t know her. I dislike her, that’s what my friend and me as a different one then hate. I hate the things she does though…that shouldn’t interefere with who she really is though.

Answer #3

Shes made a lot of bad mistakes - but its no reason to hate her, even though I hate some of the things she does. Shes an amazing artist still.

Answer #4

Isn’t it kind of wrong to be saying you hate a celebrity when you don’t even know them, or have even met them?

Answer #5

hhmm. I dunno. I dont like her and her music, but I dont exaclty hater her. ytou know what I eman?

Answer #6

I’ve heard of Amy Winehouse but, I don’t exactly hate her. Some of her songs are alright.

Answer #7

I don’t h8 her but why do you? I don’t like her and her make up scares me and shes not anything to look at.

Answer #8

Hmm Im not her biggest fan, but some of her music is ok…

Answer #9

Im sure not a fan of her

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