Anybody read "breaking dawn"?

Has anybody read breaking dawn by stephanie meyer? ( the last book of the twilight saga besides midnight sun. ) I just need to know if its worth buying, I’ve read twilight, and new moon, and I just might Skip eclipse and go straight to breaking dawn because I heard that in eclipse edward cullen isn’t in it that much. So, let me know :] thanks.

Answer #1


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Answer #3

DO NOT SKIP ECLIPSE…ITS WORTH THE READ AND HAS HUGE IMPORTANT THINGS IN IT!!! but yah breaking dawn was the best…I’ve read it three times already

Answer #4

how good was twilight! I loved it

Answer #5

NO!! DON’T SKIP ECIPSE!!! it’s way better than new moon. and I think you can get them from the library now, if your worried bout the mnoey.breaking dawn is sooo good! I loved it (not the end, but I won’t spoil that) you cannot stop reading now

Answer #6

you have to read them all!!! there awesome!! ecplisce is much better than new moon, you got to read them all. and if you don’t wan to waste the money they have them in most libary’s now!!!

Answer #7

YYYEEESSS!!! Possibly the best(only from my view) but if you’ve the last three you should borrow it and at least hava little read to see if it’s what you expected

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