Any recommendations for Nintendo DS games?

I just bought a Nintendo DS, and so far, the games I’ve bought are pretty sweet. I’ve got:

~Elite Beat Agents ~Rayman: Raving Rabids 2 ~Bomberman Story DS ~Worms 2

What other games should I get? What makes the game you recommend so good?

Answer #1

Yoshi’s Island is great, it is like the old school Marios and added difficulty Super MarioKart is fun to play with others and alone you can unlock new vehicles when you beat the levels with and A or above rating

Love Rayman!!!

Answer #2

Interactive Fun

I recommend Nintendogs, there’s four different ones. I believe there is Dachshund & Friends, Chihuahua & Friends, Labrador & Friends, and Dalmatian & Friends. This Game is great! It’s around $30 so be prepared to spend around $25-$35, but realistically around $30.

This is what you get to do: -Adopt up to eight dogs with different personalities. -Bathe your Dog -Feed your Dog -Compete in three competitions; Agility, Obedience, and Disc

  • Pet your dog, and train him/her to do tricks like sit, beg, roll over, etc. -Take your dog on walks, meet other dogs, and find rare items to dress your pet up with, or toys to play with.
  • Dress your pet in ribbons, collars, hats, glasses, etc.
  • And much more!

This game is very fun. I rate it a 10/10. Some people say it’s ‘Pointless’, but if you don’t have a dog, or even if you do, it’s fun to play with a virtual puppy and compete in competitions to win money to spend on your pet.


My Spanish Coach, or my French Coach. This Game is really fun, and I’m learning a lot with it although I’ve just started playing. I own My Spanish Coach, and at first I didn’t believe a Hand held Device Game could teach me so much. But I’ve learned all the colors, counting up to 15 in Spanish, and am currently learning the Days of the Week!

                 Just plain FUN!!!

Animal Crossing: Wild World. This is fun! It seems pointless-But it’s not. There’s so much to do with so little time to play. You start off in a Cab, moving to a new area, when the driver asks you where you are moving. You enter your name, and the place where you are moving-and you get too pick the name. When you finally get to where you wanted to go, you work for Tom Nook (Store Owner) to pay off the debt of receiving a house. But after you work for Nook, your left with a debt, and you must do anything to make money. Sell items, pick fruit, help the Neighbors, play ‘friendly’ games with residents in the Winter, etc. I’ve only began but it’s kind of like Animal Crossing on Gamecube. FUN! The one on DS isn’t as nice though.

good luck finding a game. Fun Mail me if you need any other recommendations.

Answer #3

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

I utterly love that game. I spent 3 straight days playing it on my DS. It rocks.

Answer #4

Yoshi’s Island is great, it is like the old school Marios and added difficulty Super MarioKart is fun to play with others and alone you can unlock new vehicles when you beat the levels with and A or above rating

Love Rayman!!!

Answer #5

New Super Mario Bros.

Answer #6

I have a niece who had a nintendo Ds but she had little kids games but I have a Wii and a Game called Okami has alreadycame out for ps2 and DS and will be out for the Wii 4-15-08 and They say it is a really good game.

Answer #7

mario party sucks…

I suggest brain age!

Answer #8

I would reccomend nintendogs, but that gets a bit boring after a while. I love the simpsons DS game and animal crossing.

Answer #9

Diddy Kong Racing…I think thats what it is. Love it!

Answer #10

Transformers is a good game for the DS it has some very good graphics. My son loves it.

Answer #11

mario party is also totaly awesome!

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