Any good Asian music?

Hey there! =D I was just wondering if there are any good Asian music that you would like to recommend. I’m leaning more towards Korean and Japanese..and some Chinese but anything other than those are alright…it wouldn’t hurt to try anything new. And not to mention I like a variety of genre, which could be from pop or rock to classical. I’m looking forward to your opinions =)

Answer #1

Anything at all? Well, I know you listened to it already (You put it on my ipod so I know you have) but Moj Boze is a good by Katka Knechtova. It was in that movie Bathory, about the famous Elizabeth Bathory of some country in Europe. She was a serial killer and all that but I know this is off topic. Did you like that song by Mucc? Akai Sora. I like it he sounded sexy!

Answer #2

“forbidden” by D’espairsRay is one of my fav Jrock songs check it out =3

Answer #3

I just made a new playlist Called Hyde/ L’Arc~en~Ciel (hyde’s the lead of the band)!! it has 117 of his songs on there!! Hyde is my favourite singer of all time, and he looks mighty young for his age!!! I made it for his birthday this month if you wanna check it out. You’ll love him, I know you will!!

Answer #4

hindi.— type this song in “aa khushi se” in youtube..from the movie RACE..its like dance type.. for nepali(my culture :) ).. one of the most famous folk songs is– “jhamke phuli” of the video is me and my brother and cousins performing..but for the nepali one..I would go to and then type in “Jhamke Phuli”…have fun :)

Answer #5

“There she is” by Witches.

Answer #6

tae yang and woo young people say theyre the hottest koreans. I think im the hottest korean tho lol jk im not even full :(

Answer #7

big bang and untouchable are two korean groups they are amazing

Answer #8


Answer #9


Answer #10

turning japanese

Answer #11 this is about to be over 600 songs, I’m bout to make another one!! :) They’re all good!!!

Answer #12

Big bang, SHINee, 2NE1 and Se7en theyre all amzing and HOT!!

2ne1 is a girl kpop group they have a song out called fire

bigbang is a boy band and they have allot of good songs its a kpop group and they have many songs in english like their song Lies, Lolli pop, come be my ladya

SHINee another kpop boy group their song replay and love like oxygen is cute and their really cute

And Se7en hes like the usher or justin t of asia hes dope he just debuted in america with he sing called girls and hes very HOT!!!

Answer #13

For Jpop I’d reccomend… Stereopony Yui Scandal Shion Tsuji Ayumi Hamasaki (Imo she’s not as good as the above, but she’s done very well, so it might just be me :P)

Kpop Big Bang (I only like GD and TOP from this band, but their latest stuff is kind of good) GD’s solo stuff 2NE1 BEAST

Chinese pop Rainie Yang (She has some lovely music) Angela Zhang (White is a awesome song)

Then for Jrock (my fave XD) SuG <<< I love these guys, Takeru is fantastic @_@ The GazettE An Cafe Miyavi ViViD Zoro Vajra (They haven’t got any music online yet, so you’d have to buy their music off a Japanese website, but I saw them in Shoxx and they look amazing.) LM.C Alice Nine Versailles

Hope I helped :D

Answer #14

I love Ancafe!

also try listening to Aural Vampire and Moon Kana (:

Answer #15

I’ll give some names of artists: Japanese pop: Ayumi Hamasaki (sorry I cannot advice you more about jpop but I don’t listen too much) japanese rock: The Gazette Dir en Grey SKULL Lynch Girugamesh Nega Miyavi Kaggra Alice Nine D Gackt Vistlip Versailles (just try it on youtube and see what you like)

Korean pop: DBSK (the best from what I’ve heard from them) TVXQ Big Bang Epik High Shinee Loveholic

Hope you like it.

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