
My family keep going on about how I’ve lost lots of weight very quickly and I was like an alright size before. My mum thinks I’m going to be anorexic cus I dont eat much and I’m really worried. I cant eat much it just makes me feel really ill if I try and I couldn’t even finish an apple this morning cus I got full up.. I seem to be able to eat less and less as the weeks go by usually I only eat at dinner and maybe some fruit during the day but thats it. Should I see my doctor about this? :s Please reply :/

Answer #1

you should definityl see a doctor, weight loss and loss of appetite can be symptoms of more serious things, so just see your doctor they will know for sure whats going on!

Answer #2

well use and bmi it show it you are at a healthy weight or under

follow this link:

hope it helps =]

Answer #3

yes id rather live as well :L ok I get an appointment soon (y) anyone know if there are any ways of knowing if it is apart from the large amount of weight loss?

Answer #4

:L yeah obv cus screaming makes you anorexic :P

Answer #5

hmmm well I get like that all the time because I’ve been suffering eating disorders (anorexia,bullimia) for 4 years now, and I suggest that maybe you should see a doctor or talk to a family member about it because its a constint struggle when you get caught in an eating disorder and its the hardest sickness to live with every day. although are you losing weight intentionally or your just losing weight naturally? hmm

Answer #6

Please check out the three links below. They are from my Group and provide information concerning anorexia both first from an anorexic’s point of view then from sites with appropriate information plus information on bulimia:


Anorexia followup


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Those whom I meet, as Friends I greet, And as a Friend I treat them so; That when in need, or sadly grieved, I may help their Spirits grow.

So when I hear, upon my ear, The sounds of troubled Souls; I can do no less, then to do my best, To help them toward their goals.

And I know I’ll find, with the passage of time, That I’ve helped their Spirits grow some; And though appreciated, thanks aren’t awaited, For my friends are always welcome.

Answer #7

thank you (:

Answer #8

Go to the docters it will be for the best

Answer #9

ok thanks a lot :)

Answer #10

I think its best gooo see a doctor we want you to live D=

Answer #11

your not anorexic because anorexic people are happy being anorexic they denie spmething is wrong maybe go to the doctors x

im anorexic thats how I know x

Answer #12

I’m not cutting out anything im trying to eat the same as normal but I just cant I was brought up with healthy food thanks to my mum so im not unhealthy or anything I also have IBS which might linked to this but I forgot to mention it lol

Answer #13

hey, I have a friend who had that. she had a stomach band problem, she was winded in netball pretty badly. for two months after she had a problem just like yours, its serious. you need the opposite of by-pass surgery, they make your stomach bigger artificially.

bloody expensive. so SEE A DOCTOR!

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