Anime is NOT just for kids!

Hey! Can I ask you something? Why is it that some American people seem to degrade anime as “kid stuff”?? Anime has all sorts of genres, for the people who are interested to watch, whether they’re a kid OR teen OR even adult! And yes, I know that there are also many Americans who enjoy anime ( I think those people are cool in that regard), but I’m talking to/ about the Americans who just brush it off as “kid stuff”.

Answer #1

me and my boyfriend are 18 and 19 and we both watch anime. he really like shin-chan he even has every episode.and we watch some anime I cant say on here LOL

Answer #2

Wow, such quick replies! Thnx! I feel special (j/k). Btw, oh_ehm_gee_its_me, its’s spelled “Pikachu”, but other than that, I totally agree! Pokemon (srry, my comp won’t do the accent mark thingy) was my first anime ever!

Answer #3

I don’t know but there is a lot of like adult cartoons… like ADUlT SWIM sorta but srsly ..stupid americans! p.s PICACHU! hes sooo adorable

Answer #4

Cultural difference is all. I got no problem with anime, and I really don’t know any respectable people who say that it is only kid stuff. I think it’s more of the fact that it’s not the American ideal to someone that watches cartoons. You know, white middle class, hardworking family of 4.5, protestant. But whatever, people are individuals, and if they like anime they will usually be watching it and ignore peer pressure otherwise. I hope I don’t have to much faith in people though.

Answer #5

I’m still watching anime I don’t think it’s not just 4 kids but 4 who bigger 2

Answer #6

Lol wow, lots of sympathetic people…that’s so cool! Thnx for all the answers!

Answer #7

Chips, you took the words right outta my mouth–that’s what I originally thought, thnx.

Answer #8

I know anime that can’t be watched if you’re under 18… so yeah… I guess cause it’s cartoons, but seriously people, don’t underestimate the japanese :)

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