Animal abuse

Why do some people get the pleasure out of abusing, mistreating, and possibly leading to killing animals?

Answer #1

Ya know, I used to ask that…”Why would someone ever do that?”…but ya know, after many years devoted to saving/placing/transporting animals…I don’t give a sh** about the “why factor”…I just want them to pay…jail time/community service and prison if what they do is bad enough.


Answer #2

I think it gives them a sense of power, much like rapists, I would imagine. it’s a disorder, and something that needs to be treated.

Answer #3

When you have an overpopulation of unwanted animals/babies being raised by an underfinanced, ill-prepared, under educated group of people… abuse and neglect usually follow. We need spay/neuter laws in this country AND sex education and birth control education in this country. I live in the South and there is a mentality of “animals don’t have feelings/can’t feel pain” here. Abuse is rampant, as are puppymills. I work with several groups trying to rescue these abused animals and the cruelty that some inflict is heartbreaking. I agree… some of the cruelty stems from power-lust, some from lack of education.

Answer #4

Hmm well there’s different people who do those different things, there’s neglect - some people who dont care for their animals, and this is probably a lack of understanding, or realizationg that their animal needs food, and attention… Then there’s those who abuse their animals on a day to day basis, they probably are taking their frustration out on the animal. And then you have the sociopaths (ok technically you cant label a kid a sociopath, but whatever), who have no consciences, and deliberately torture and kill animals…

You can ask why people do it to their kids… honestly, I dont know? They have severe issues?

Answer #5

I have no idea! It’s so wrong! ):

Answer #6

Evil, no doubt - same with precious babies.

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