Anger from my boyfriend

Ok I am dating this boy name greg. We have been going out since march on the dl. But I only see him on the weekends around my aunt way. On wednesday I was in my aunts house because I am punished. He wanted me to come out but I couldnt. But my cuzzin was outside wit them any way. So this lil boy who likes me was bad mouthin me I guess caz I wasnt out dere, so greg was takin up 4 me and sayin the opposite.but this other cute boy name malik that also like me was looking at me. And I guess greg saw me glance at him from the screen door. But already greg was mad at me because I guess I havent talked to him in 3 weeks and plus I couldnt come c him. But my aunt sent me to the candy lady so me and my cuzzin walked. Greg decided to come with us while he was mad. Actually my mom already told me he was no good 4 me I guess caz he was from the projects. But he aint dirty or nuthin. He threatened me so I was like wateva, so we were going up the steps and he pushed me. So I ran up there by me cuzzins. And he was cursin me out 4 no reason. But I saw that he has an anger problem, then as we came back he was like he just want to choke me so I wasnt havin that. So I ws like go to hell and go f**k off. So he startin chokin me. So we ran in the house. What should I do. Should I tell a family member or should I keep this 2 myself and cut him !

Answer #1

tell someone thats not rite and dump him to his loss missin out on u =) hope I helped

Answer #2

Okay… typing that in lowercase would have been so much more efficient for us readers. Anyways… Yeah you need to tell your mom right away and report him. Don’t do something to get him back for assaulting you, report it. At no time is it ever okay for a man to abuse a woman. He needs to pay for his actions.

Answer #3

dump him.. if you can .. I know its hard to finish with anyone no matter what probelms you have but before you get hurt yer? my mate was seing someone like this turned owt bad ,,don’t get to atached or anythink wil turn owt bad and may get hurt worse hope I helped (: and yerr tell a fammily member you can trust and tlk to xx

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