Anarchy anyone?

Does anyone else support anarchy? If its well planned and has the least destructive affects possible, I think its sweet. Any one agree?

Answer #1

I believe anarchy is difficult in the way it does not stand for anything except violence - remove Gov’t but don’t have a plan. The point I wish to make is simple. In order to change Gov’t - there are only two ways to do that when a system as become corrupt like ours. You can either over-throw them which means getting rid of Republicans and Democrats and starting over, OR make your Gov’t fear you. Those are the only choices. You will never get money out of politics wihtout starting over.


That being said once a new Gov’t is established, in time it will become what the other had become. The reason for this is simple, when you have a form of Gov’t for an extended period of time, people will always find a way to abuse that system, and rarely are the people alert enough to stop it before it gets out of hand.

So once again, the gov’t would have to be changed.. IT’s kind of that circle thing going on here.


Answer #2

If the government were overthrown as opposed to methodically disassembled, we would have chaos. Out of the chaos would arrise warlords. Over time one of these would come to dominate and be the dictator. In more time, an elite class would arise who pose a credible threat to the dictator, and so the dictator would share his power with them. The elite class would feel similar pressure from others just below them. …and so on and so on, until you end up right back where we are today. The systems of government the world has are the result of the type of anarchy being proposed.

On the other hand, it might be possible to take the next step in self government if we start from an orderly state (such as what we have) and dismantle the existing government peacefully by design, slowly transferring power to the citizens.

Answer #3

Humans will never exist without a structured governing community of some kind.

The simple fact that humans have monogamous relationships shows that we will never have power of oneself. We need structure.

Anarchy is like communism, great in ideals, poor in reality.

Answer #4

anarchy doesnt mean that it actually means that people like the government, and “higher powers” shouldnt have the ability to controll the rest of us that everyone should be in controll of there own self and actions it doesnt mean going out and destroying things or dissobeying the law on purpose!

Answer #5

Except they didn’t get anything done. The war went on, protesters or not.
It did show how powerful the people are: not very. People tend to be too emotional and stupid to get anything done.

Answer #6

I dont know if anarchy is the right word for it. I just beleive in the powre of the people. like during vietnam, I think it was great for americns to protest and even get into brawls with the government. it showed how powerful the people were. so many new trends and forms of music came out of that era.

Answer #7

Dictionary: anarchy Absence of any form of political authority. Political disorder and confusion. Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.

Thesaurus: anarchy A lack of civil order or peace: disorder, lawlessness, misrule

Answer #8

hmm.. toadaly knows what he’s talkin about. today’s society couldn’t handle Anarchy, no matter how you define it. be nothin but crime

Answer #9

Deff. agree. lol I don’t really care what the world is like anymore :/ that’s why the 3 of us are running away to where the f*ck ever we were planning on haha

Answer #10

pretty much what I mean by it is power to the people. if they dont like a govt, they should overthrow it. govt in general kinda sux.

Answer #11

The word ‘anarchy’ is too loaded and ambiguous. Most people simply associate it with ‘chaos’, while the remainder tend to think of it either as a form of socialism or as a form of capitalistic self rule.

So, I suppose it depends on what you mean by “anarchy”.

Answer #12

Anarchy is a big scary word that people think means all loss of reason and utter chaos. But it’s actually a philosophy with many interesting philosophers at that! I think that if one understands anarchy, it actually empowers people and frees them from repression. I also think that civil disobedience is necessary for change therefore it is our duty to understand that being a patriot is also defending our civil rights even if that means breaking the “law”. Unfortunetly, anarchists and people who practice civil disobedience (even in a peaceful manner) are usually very harshly judged by their society during their lifetime. Yet, there they are, doing their best :-) I for one cheer them on!

Answer #13

ya, thats sorta what im talking about

Answer #14

How can anarchy be ‘well organised’?

Answer #15

ya haha it will be sweet.

Answer #16

Well, actually I really do believe in People Power. Look further round the world and think about how Ghandi and his peaceful protests changed the course of South African and then Indian history, or how the Berlin Wall came down. If that’s what you’re talking about, I agree it’s really sweet.

Answer #17

ya, I didnt say it meant dissobeyeing the law on purpose.

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