Can an*l sex get you pregnant?

can you get pregnant by having anl sx?

Answer #1

l00K MAMA tHE ANSWER iS N0t diffiCUlt, N0 y0U CAN’t qEt PREqNANt if y0UR HAViNq ANl SEX [UNlESS*] tHE SPERM DRiP’Sz 0Ut ANd ENtER’Sz y0UR ViqiNA AREA if iT Did y0U MAy WANNA tAkE A PREqNANCy tESt jUSt iN CASE iF N0t i tHiNk y0U SH0Uld REAlly C0NSidER bEiNq A lil M0RE CAREfUll

Answer #2

It is unlikely, but possible. If any where to leak out it could come into contact with or enter your vagina all together. I suggest wearing a condom to protect you from any STD’s, and any unwanted pregnancies!

Answer #3

i think if you don’t know the answer to this question then maybe your too young to be having s.e.x and you need to grow up a little bit.
the answer is no you cant get pregnant but you can still catch diseases though.

Answer #4

yes you can get pregnant from having an*l sex. if you ejaculate in a womans anus it can run out and easily get into her vagina causing pregnancy. sperm can live for 3 days once it has been ejaculated. there are millions of sperm in one ejaculate so even if you had some on your hand and touched her vagina it could mix with her vaginal fluid and result in a pregnancy. wear a condom to protect against pregnancy and std’s.

Answer #5

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