How can I get started being anorexic?

I’ve just decided I want to be anorexic but I LOVE and dunno if I can handle it I need sum tips to get me started? is it possible to loose 5kg in a week with out completely starvin myself?

Answer #1

listen DO NOT go anorexic. there is PLENTY of other ways to lose weight. join a gym or something damn I hate people like that. you should destroy your body. look up on the internet of what that can do to a person. hopefully you will want to change your mind.

Answer #2

Anorexia is not healthy and will have disastrous results.

When your body thinks it’s starving it puts a strain on everything. Your immune system, your heart, your muscles and organs. You will actually gain more fat (your body’s preparation for starvation).

Try healthy diet and exercise. Your skin will be radiant, you’ll age slower, have more energy, and just be well rounded and healthy!

Answer #3

Dude. Anorexia is nothing to mess with. It can get serious.

Look at that picture, read that sh*t.

Do you want that to happen to you?

Im sure you’re gorgeous & for whatever reason you think different, don’t.

Anorexia can cause death.

Ive seen it happen.

& It’s not something you should even be thinking about.

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