Who else is anorexic?

was wondering if any one wants a ana buddy!! im 17 and just fed up of being fat and diets do not help!!! X

Answer #1

Here at Fun Advice, we don’t encourage destructive behaviour like eating disorders.

Let me tell you first hand, eating disorders destroy your body slowly. They make you moody and cranky because you are starving. This causes you to lose friends because they don’t want to hang out with someone who’s so hungry they can’t hold a conversation without snapping. You lose control of so many other aspects of your life because you’re so obsessed over food. Eventually it’ll kill you, and you will have missed out on so many great things because you couldn’t enjoy your life while you had it.

If you want help with overcoming anorexia, feel free to ask- we’re more than happy to help you if you want to get better.

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