Are you proud to be an American?

Are you proud to be an American? If not …why are you STILL here? If you are a proud American, proud of this God-fearing country then please tell me why.

Answer #1

I am very proud to be an American - even with a few faults, still the greatest country this world has ever known - may God continue to richly bless !!

Answer #2

well jimahl I am not ignorant so I guess that puts me in the top 10 % of wealth. You can’t enlighten me on anything because you have on blinders that prevent you from seeing the truth. Maybe you should stop reading the all the garbage you read and realize that we went into Iraq to stop a mad man who thought he was Nebuchanezzer reincarnated. For all you people who think that there were no WMD’s what do you think Sadam used on the Kurds and Iran, Fire Crackers, no it was nerve agent. For your info Nerve agent is a WMD. Maybe what we need to do as a nation is pull out of every country that we occupy and when the rest of the world gets into trouble because some crazy person like Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein or Momar Kadaffi or Korea,s leader decides to invade some other country, tell them sorry we don’t care, fight your own battle, don’t come wineing to us. That’s probably what you think we should do. Let me ask you this question. Why do we incarcerate criminals who rape and murder? Let me answer it for you, Because they are criminals who if left unchecked they will continue to commit the crimes they commit. Thats what happens with dictators like Sadam they continue to forceably take what they want from those who can’t defend themselves. By the way this is just how Sadam gained power, he went in and killed the leader of Iraq and then executed all of his cabinet. Sadam was a sadistic murdering thug. He now is no longer a threat.

Answer #3

OK justsearching, and what about the crimes WE have committed? For example, the first documented use of biological weapons in the new world (giving smallpox infected blankets to the Cherokee) to dropping nukes on Japan? And before you go nuts on the Japan reference, remember, 90% of all the deaths in Japan from our nuclear attack were civilian!

Saddam Hussein was put into power by the CIA to counter the islamic revolution in Iran. So who’s the bad guy there?

Have you even read history? Do you know the extent of out nations crimes against humanity that go back to the founding of the Republic?

America’s ideals are the greatest in the world. The sad fact is that all of our ideals have been co-opted by business. When I say business, I mean lending money to others with an interest rate. Did you know that all of the worlds major religions (including Judaism and Christianity) forbid this? And if you think you’re not part of the problem…then what’s your credit card balance? Car payment? Mortgage? Dept. store card balance? ETC.

Answer #4

hey, hourglassoflosttime, “I wouldn’t b*tch if I got drafted I would serve with honor & dignity!”

if you feel so proud… why wait to be drafted? why don’t you enlist.

Answer #5

hell ya my father both grandfathers & greatgrandfathers(I think) were in the American Army They fought for my freedom & others, Not to mention some of my roots are native American I would defend this country in a heart beat if needed 7 I wouldn’t b*tch if I got drafted I would serve with honor & dignity!

Answer #6

Nope. Im proud to be an Australian. ANZAC day tomorow, but, I am NOT going to the dawn service.

Answer #7

‘My faith in the American people is actually a faith in this country, because I do believe it’s been blessed by God, and that’s the source of my optimism.’

Will you still have that same faith in America and its people when they elect Obama as president?

Answer #8

id love to be a american person im a england person if you no what I mean I love Amercan peeople:)

Answer #9


Answer #10

And Samuel Johnson said “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”

Answer #11

Emerson said that “patriotism is a virtue of the vicious”.

Answer #12

Justsearching, if you support the current leadership, you must either be among the top 10% of the wealthy, or you are incredibly ignorant to what is really going on.

If you’d like, I could enlighten you to the crimes of this administration.

Answer #13

stop the assault on our cultural, borders, language, and traditions I am proud to be and american and if your not go live in russia and tell them you dont like russia youll get killed this is the only country that allows you to bash them and not have you disapear have alittle respect america was found on judeo christian values

Answer #14

I am proud to be an American because I strongly believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I am deeply ashamed of how we took over this land and how many of us supported slavery. I am now deeply ashamed of our lack of moral compass and work ethic. Yet and still, I also see great courage and conviction that still exists here and I hope that one day we Americans will live up to our true potential.

And, for the record, not all of America’s brightest and best are “god-fearing.” And those who do claim to be “god-fearing” don’t always show it.

Answer #15

Being a Christian, I am deeply grieved over what I see happening to this country, that I call home. I see that forces are stacking up, to destroy every vestige of Christianity that exists. If things don’t change, I truly fear for our country.

I know that there are multitudes of Christians here, but, somehow, they seem to be silent. Too much is happening that is anti-Christian. Huge strides are being made in favor of the ones that desire to make this a secular nation.

Where are all the Christians, and how can this be happening, right before our eyes?

Answer #17

I guess if we are a god fearing nation then this passage is appropriate…

Today Christians … stand at the head of this country … I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity .. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit … We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press—in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past … [few] years.

Answer #18

Hey ,no prob I am proud of this country The government on the other hand I believe needs an improvement

Answer #19

Spoken like a true American! Thanks hourglass :)

Answer #20

yes, and I support the leadership in power.

Answer #21

I’m not… wait a minute… I’m not Amercian at all. lol

Answer #22

Im fckin mexican so I don’t care ha, but what do you care? This is just a place, before it had names and borders it was just free roaming land. You should be the one to get the fck out! Puzzys, so what if there’s a lot o mexicans, atleast we don’t steal land, lets give this land back to the native americans, there the only ones that have the right to judge and tell us if we don’t like it here get out, cause they were here before you modern amercian racist f*cks. (No offense lol) Only to racist people. (And no I didn’t read the comments but I was pretty sure “wetbacks” was part of this topic hahah)

Answer #23

Dear sliverwings: The first amendment clearly states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” there is nothing in there about Christianity being patriotic, in fact, it states that we our FREE to practice ANY religion or no religion. Why are you in grief that Christianity is diminishing? Do you not respect other people’s beliefs? Plus 78.5% of all Americans practice Christianity. The next is Atheist with a mere 15%. And you say we are trying to purge Christianity, well maybe some people are. But I garuntee you that some Christians are doing the same.

Answer #24

Yes, I’m proud to be American. I share toadaly’s frustration with our current government but that hasn’t diminished by respect for American traditions, culture, and innovations.

“I would like to know under what jurisdiction America believes it has the right to act as the World’s police force? Other than having a very big stick compared to most other countries?”

kiasu, I would hope that you raise this issue more in sharing advice rather than giving admonishment, since Great Britain’s own history of imperialism and stick-carrying is much, much worse than that of the US.

Answer #25

“knuckle draggers” humm…I always thought they were the evolutionists.

Answer #26

Just a little old aussi ;)

Answer #27

yes. but somethings need to be changed

Answer #28

I’m proud to be an American. I’m proud of our culture, heritage, and the general love of freedom exhibited by the population, but I’m not proud of our government or it’s actions.

Answer #29

We are the little horn power that the Bible speaks of

Answer #30

“well jimahl I am not ignorant so I guess that puts me in the top 10 % of wealth.”

I said you were ignorant to what is going on, and this posts further proves it.

“You can’t enlighten me on anything because you have on blinders that prevent you from seeing the truth.”

If I can’t enlighten you, it is because you are still drinking the koolade.

“Maybe you should stop reading the all the garbage you read and realize that we went into Iraq to stop a mad man who thought he was Nebuchanezzer reincarnated.”

Saddam may have thought that, and he may have been a madman. But that says nothing about his actual abilities to cause harm or the justification for the hundreds of thousands of deaths it cost to remove him. I guarantee you that I am much more well read on this subject than you.

“For all you people who think that there were no WMD’s what do you think Sadam used on the Kurds and Iran, Fire Crackers, no it was nerve agent. For your info Nerve agent is a WMD.”

And when did he do this to the kurds and Iran? In the 80s, when he was our ally. The question is not whether he was a threat back then (which we didn’t seem to mind at the time), it was the threat he posed in March 2003 that mattered. And as we all know now, he posed absolutely no threat at that time. So our invasion did nothing but condemn hundreds of thousands of people to death.

“Maybe what we need to do as a nation is pull out of every country that we occupy and when the rest of the world gets into trouble because some crazy person like Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein or Momar Kadaffi or Korea,s leader decides to invade some other country, tell them sorry we don’t care, fight your own battle, don’t come wineing to us. That’s probably what you think we should do. “

Before the invasion of Iraq, the US had never invaded and occupied a country that never attacked us, nor posed any threat to us. Stop trying to find precedent in an unprecedented event. And we do not “occupy” any other country accept Afghanistan. Most of the countries we have a presence in today is because they want us there. Iraq (the people, not the puppet government) wants us to leave.

“Let me ask you this question. Why do we incarcerate criminals who rape and murder?”

To protect society.

“Let me answer it for you, Because they are criminals who if left unchecked they will continue to commit the crimes they commit. Thats what happens with dictators like Sadam they continue to forceably take what they want from those who can’t defend themselves.”

Of course you use the typical rightwing rhetoric saying “what would have happened had saddam been left unchecked.” Show me one person who said that? There is a big difference between completely ignoring him, and invading the counrty, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and leaving the whole regian much less stable than before you went in. He was in check, as the inspectors wwere showing before the war, and ad we found out after. There were no WMDs at that time.

“By the way this is just how Sadam gained power, he went in and killed the leader of Iraq and then executed all of his cabinet. Sadam was a sadistic murdering thug. He now is no longer a threat.”

He already was no threat before we invaded? If he wasn’t please tell me what capabilities he had in 2003 to do anything to harm us, or his neighbors?

You can not point to things he did in the 80s as justification for this war. If you do that then you are saying that is only about revenge, and all the people who died in us taking that revenge were worth it.

Do you think the families of all the dead think it was worth it?

Your rewriting of history won’t work. We all know now how it went down, and we all know that bush and co. lied us into this war. All but the few like you who still drink the koolade.

Answer #31

“My faith in the American people is actually a faith in this country, because I do believe it’s been blessed by God, and that’s the source of my optimism.”

Answer #32

You may choose to put down America the latest fad if you like but it doesn’t change the facts - It is the strongest, freest and most prosperous country in the history of the world - We know that we were given a country based upon certain eternal truths–the wisdom of the scriptures and the wisdom of the ages … the fact that there is such a thing as human nature that has to be taken into account when governing … and most fundamentally, based upon the fact that people are meant to be free. Our founders derived from these principles a government that had its powers separated, checked and balanced because they knew that power tended to corrupt. In keeping with that they incorporated in our Constitution a system of Federalism to make sure that there was not too much power concentrated in the central government, which was given delineated powers and no others. From these principles we developed a market economy, with the rule of law, a system of trade with other nations, and a strong national defense. From the prosperity, freedom and strength that came from this system we became a friend and example to all those around the world who aspired to those same things. We won wars, including the Cold War, and enhanced world stability and a friendlier environment within which others could pursue their own freedom. This of course enhanced our own security as Americans.

Answer #33

Silverwings wants to look back to the old days, when chistians had control. She thinks it is only christians that can set a moral example. The level of arrogoance that attitude shows is amazing. Yeah the old days were great, when whole segments of our society were segregated and not allowed to partake in the american dream. Is that the type of christian country you want to live in.

We are not a christian nation. We are a nation with a majority of christians, but our constitution and government is secular, despite what some knuckle-draggers will have you think.

Answer #34

Just because I am Christian does not mean I have no idea what’s going on in our country and I refute that wholeheartedly. Did I not say it wasn’t the war that we started? I understand that it went from the war on Terror to something entirely different. And just because Bush is a Christian doesn’t mean he’s always good or right. To be honest, I voted for the other guy both times! Not all Christians follow the same path or the same thoughts you know. That’s stereotyping and it is wrong!

Answer #35

As an American I feel that our country is a wonderful country. Certainly we have many freedoms that some countries do not. We are allowed to speak against our government, we are allowed to disagree with our leaders. So many people from other countries find themselves here because of the dream of freedom.

However, I hear these complaints about our country, about our methods. Well, I believe our country has the same problems as many others… It is run by people. We are humans and we all make mistakes. So if there is a problem, it can be lain at the feet of him or her who made said mistake. But should we turn our backs on our country for it? I say no! If you have a problem with what you see in our country, go to school go to college, get into politics and do something about it! Make an effort to vote, even on the little things. Stand up for what you believe in! Send a letter to your congressmen, senators, governors, etc. Don’t be silent. If you are then you have no right to complain. No right at all!

Our country is in a war right now, and while I personally feel that it is a different war than was started, we are unable to leave this war without a good solid plan, or thousands more will die, and not only Americans. America needs the support of her people and of her allies.

As to why this is a God fearing nation? It isn’t. I believe it once was, but now… The majority of those who call themselves Christians step into a church or Cathedral once or twice a year, if not less. They do not live as the Bible says to live. I am a God fearing women. (Fear not meaning I feel he will smite me, but having a heathy respect for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) I am a Christian. I am thankful for what my savior did. But this country is not a God fearing country.

Thank you, hope this helps. God Bless

Answer #36

Jello… I am not against freedom of religion, I am sad to see the difference in this country, in the last 20 years or so. It was a kinder, gentler America back then. We have made some strides, but, in other ways, we have lost tremendously.

Look on any board that you want to, online, and see how much unity and love you find… next to none.

Look how much fighting goes on, one against the other, look at the animosity, and the hatred that exists, look at a generation of young people that have succumbed to the death culture, with cutting running rampant.

Marriages are breaking down at the rate of 1 in 2. Very few children have both parents still in the same house. The prison houses are running over, with more coming every day. Red tape is choking the life out of businesses, and individuals alike. More laws are going on the books everyday. Homelessness is rampant, with no end in sight. The price of fuel, is bringing us all to a standstill.

There was a time in our country, when you could make a deal on a handshake. Now, you are not even safe with a contract. Multitudes have been sexually exploited and abused, and are reeling under the weight of that abuse.

I see an America severely divided. And I believe in the statement, United we Stand, Divided, we fall.

Children are afraid to go to school, fearing what might happen. Police are constantly vigilant, trying to keep crime at bay. Nobody trusts anybody.

Everybody is looking out for self. Everybody is demanding their rights. Who is willing to sacrifice anything? Who is willing to serve? How many are looking out for the other man?

The complexities of our government are so huge, who can understand it?

Answer #37

I am dam proud to be an American, if your an American, the possibilities for you are endless. Any one of us could be a milionaire if we dedicated ourselves. And if I were in any other country, and someone said that America sucks to me. I would kick the sh*t out of em on basic principle. And thats no joke

Answer #38

What does being proud of America even mean? One can have pride in your country, while despising what the Bush Crime Family is doing it to it. I have hope that the American people will ultimately reject the knuckle-draggers in charge now, and get us on the right path.

One thing we absolutely know is the founders set this country up to be a secular nation, with religion supposedly playing no part in policy making. I am certainly not proud to see our nation moving away from that ideal, and seeing the lemmings like orion, silverwings and torikeene, who continue to be led by their complete ignorance of what this country really stands for. Their supersticious beliefs have no place in government.

Patriotism does not equate to pride. Pride is real, patriotism is phony.


Patriotism is being used to manipulate the ignorant. Here is anouther quote:

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Sound familiar? It was said by Hermann Goering, Hitler’s Reich Marshall at the Nuremberg Trials.

I do believe there is hope though. As Bill Clinton said: “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.”

Answer #39

I’m proud. I’m patriotic then white people. But your being a little discreminet . And why is it god fearing?

Answer #40

How is it a God fearing country exactly?

According to the Pew Research Council, 76.5% of Americans call themselves religious, and 87% of THEM identify as Christian.

Plus we elected Bush (somehow) who is “religious”.

Answer #41

God-fearing country? I dont think you can say that anymore considering all the different beliefs of people in the US.

Answer #42

orion, I would like to know under what jurisdiction America believes it has the right to act as the World’s police force? Other than having a very big stick compared to most other countries?

Also, do you believe that holding people without right to representation or proof of guilt in Guantanamo is the actions of a ‘christian’ country.

You really should try and helicopter above things and try and understand why America and its politics are so hated by so many people throughout the world. And I am not talking about the christian/muslim issue here.

Nor is it jealousy as many proud Americans tery to convince themselves.

Please do some research on the net from views from outside of your borders. The US is not the centre of the world, there are many other countries out there with some excellent political beliefs if you open your eyes and look without being blinded by patriotism.

Answer #43

ABSOLUTELY!!! The last four letter spells “I Can” and in America “I Can” be whatever I want to be and do whatever “I Can” do!!!

Answer #44

What a joy reading thru the comments here!

I’ve read thru all the comments posted here and I found sincere people who voiced their opinions clearly and in a positive way, not putting down any other country or demeaning any other race. That in it’s self makes me proud to be an American!

I found a sense of brother-hood, love and respect for all who sincerely made comments here. There were some who in the past I have had ‘run-ins’ with, but their comments made me deeply love them and see them in a different light! God bless you all!!!

As for this foul-mouth joker; downassnikeshomie, Lord please forgive him. Allow him to be wooded by the Holy Spirit to love others and drop his predigest views against America.

downassnikeshomie, you are full of hate and if you don’t do something about it, it will consume you. Do not allow evil to enter into your beliefs; kick it in the but.

All peoples of the world are good and bad; does not matter which country you are referring.

It is unbalanced to hold hatred against a country and it’s people.

You, downassnikeshomie, need to have the love of Christ in your life. He will free you from this anger; fill you with His love and His peace, making your hate go away…I truly hope and pray that you’ll be convicted of this and be willing to allow goodness to invade your spirit instead of the negative.

Answer #45

What a joy reading thru the comments here!

I’ve read thru all the comments posted here and I found sincere people who voiced their opinions clearly and in a positive way, not putting down any other country or demeaning any other race. That in it’s self makes me proud to be an American!

I found a sense of brother-hood, love and respect for all who sincerely made comments here. There were some who in the past I have had ‘run-ins’ with, but their comments made me deeply love them and see them in a different light! God bless you all!!!

As for this foul-mouth joker; downassnikeshomie, Lord please forgive him. Allow him to be wooded by the Holy Spirit to love others and drop his preadjust views against America.

downassnikeshomie, you are full of hate and if you don’t do something about it, it will consume you. Do not allow evil to enter into your beliefs; kick it in the but.

All peoples of the world are good and bad; does not matter which country you are referring.

It is unbalanced to hold hatred against a country and it’s people.

You, downassnikeshomie, need to have the love of Christ in your life. He will free you from this anger; fill you with His love and His peace, making your hate go away…I truly hope and pray that you’ll be convicted of this and be willing to allow goodness to invade your spirit instead of the negative.

Answer #46

What a joy reading thru the comments here!

I’ve read thru all the comments posted here and I found sincere people who voiced their opinions clearly and in a positive way, not putting down any other country or demeaning any other race. That in it’s self makes me proud to be an American!

I found a sense of brother-hood, love and respect for all who sincerely made comments here. There were some who in the past I have had ‘run-ins’ with, but their comments made me deeply love them and see them in a different light! God bless you all!!!

As for this foul-mouth joker; downassnikeshomie, Lord please forgive him. Allow him to be wooded by the Holy Spirit to love others and drop his preadjust views against America.

downassnikeshomie, you are full of hate and if you don’t do something about it, it will consume you. Do not allow evil to enter into your beliefs; kick it in the but.

All peoples of the world are good and bad; does not matter which country you are referring.

It is unbalanced to hold hatred against a country and it’s people.

You, downassnikeshomie, need to have the love of Christ in your life. He will free you from this anger; fill you with His love and His peace, making your hate go away…I truly hope and pray that you’ll be convicted of this and be willing to allow goodness to invade your spirit instead of the negative.

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