Amanda, which one is your favorite song and why?

I would like to know what is your favorite kind of music… your favorite song in the world… and why… for example I’m inlove wit english music because it gave me privacy… not everybod here knows english… and it gave me space… I have been searching and found joni mitchell… is good music… you have a little bit of her… bt I honestly think vocaly you’re better and musicaly you have a fresher sound… I mean your cd have a with a better sound.. younger!!!. well., I don’t want to say anything bad about joni ‘cause it’s nice.. blue it’s a beautifull song.. and as you said…court and spark a good album.. I found all of this because you said on the jhon and shery show that was your favorite music… but I want to know if maybe there’s more… What you recomend?? thanks againg for answer the question I made you the ther day.. about a world tour.. and coming to Venezuela… The Caracas Pop Festival can be an option for that.. it’s a god show and had came artist from all over the world… I think that would be just Amazing if you give us a chance… that’s all… see you here… and sorry for my mistakes.. I most improve my english…

Answer #1

Hi, my name is Amanda. I’m not too picky when it comes to music, but if you like Joni Mitchell, you may like Norah Jones and Amy Grant.

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