Am I TOO Skinny?

OK I’m 5ft 3in and I weigh around 93.8-99.8lbs (depending to the time of day) I am also 14 going to turn 15 in june. Am I too thin and lightweight or am I just a little under weight?

Answer #1

It seems like I answer questions like this twice a week. You’re not too skinny. I know girls your height that are athletic and healthy beach godesses, and they only weigh about 70 pounds. If people are telling you things about your weight, it’s because they are jealous (and probably overweight), so don’t listen to them. Jus be you, you’re fine.

Answer #2

you are as skinny as you feel i got a thery that if u think you are skinny u are skinny but not too skinny but if you are fat and you say that you are fat then people will call you fat but in your case you are not fat or to skinny think about it you anit aneresic you are just right in your body

Answer #3

Well, you sound skinny to me, but that depends, it could just be your natural body-type. If you eat normally ( 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks), then your not under weight, it’s just in your nature to be tiny. However, if you don’t eat alot and possibly feel hungry at times, then you are underweight.

Answer #4

your really thin

Answer #5

if you are eating a healthy diet and not getting ill alot you maybe naturally skinny if u are ill regualry i would go see your local doctor

Answer #6

I kind of want to be more skinnier what should I do?

Answer #7

No, you’re not that skinny. When I was 14, I weighed about 75-80 lbs. People nowadays are way too fat for their own good. By the way, lightweight does not mean actual weight, its referring to how much alcohol you drink to get drunk. Just so you know. As for underweight, you’re not, neither are you too thin. So, don’t worry yet.

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