Am I the only girl that feels like this ?

Theres this boy I really like and he likes me too.there could be a chance I could get with him but…he would want to finger me because he does that with most girls and I want him to because I really like him and I feel like im old enough but yet still nervous? That im not clean enough down there and he will think that there is something wrong with me ? That im dirty does anyone else feel like this ?am I the only one ?

Answer #1

theres gna be loads of people who feel like that. & he should respect you if you dont want him fingering you. if not he dosent actually feel for you sos.

Answer #2

Lots of girls feel the same way you do. Many of us have been tauight that we are dirty down there or that it is stinky but that is simply not true. If you have normal hygiene (you shower) and are healthy (no STDs) then there is absoluty nothing to worry about. Every vagina has a smell unique to it’s owner and when we go through puberty our bodies change and so does the discharge and smell from our vagina. This is all natural and normal. Any boy with experience will know that every girl has a different smell so don’t worry about it. It’s also normal to feel nervous about doing sexual things because it is all new and exciting. If I were you I’d make sure this boy really likes me and that he is trustworthy before going too far with him. Also don’t EVER feel that you have to do something you don’t want to do. Take your time and when you feel confortable with him then you can try stuff. Get to know him better that way you won’t feel so nervous.

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