am I sick???

I am thirteen and I have a lot of issues. I get bladder infections ALL the time, and once I had this agonazing pain in my lower back in both sides which is where your kidneys are and I’ve also gotten pain from my perscription that I had for the UTI ( urinary track infection) because I was dehydrated and the two put together caused severe intestinal pain. My mom knows some of this but I don’t want her to think I’m exagerating so she only knows he big stuff. Should I be worried about all my problems?

Answer #1

My mom has had really horrible kidney infections since she was a young girl. She has medication for it and she also takes AZO pilss(in cranberry) to help keep her bladder and kidneys healthy. You can get them in the pharmacy section of walmart. If you do start to taken them, I am going to warn you, your urine WILL become orange. That shows that the pills are working to flush out your system. You might also want to get checked out for endometriosis or something else that might be serious. Talk to you mom, tell her that you want to see a GYN and be checked out to be sure EVERYTHING is good. I’m sure your mom will understand.

Answer #2

that sounds like you might…have kidney stones possibly? but you’re really young, I don’t know how you could acquire that, unless you are on any other medications that suggest drinking lots of water—if this is the case, the reason they write that is to prevent kidney stones. I would ask a doc, but all your symptoms seem to match up…

Answer #3

Also, the best way to be well is to life a healthy life. Drugs will only hide the problems, but they won’t make you well. If you eat fruits and vegetables, take good supplements, drink good water, and exercist you give your body the best chance it has to be healthy.

Answer #4

sickness isn’t something to take lightly. If you are worried it is something serious tell your mom! you should never hide your health problems. It might turn out to be something easily treatable, but it will only get worse if you don’t do something about it!


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