Am I pretty questions

Why dont people stop asking them!geesh its anoying! anyway how is everyone other than searching for complements online tonight?

Answer #1

people just like attention

Answer #2

aww, I sure those people, have such a low self confidence, that they have to turn to an online way to cheer themselves up. little do they realise, this will just make them worse when they dont get what they’re fishing for.

I feel sorry for them, I really do!

Answer #3

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!       As Advisor’s come across those types of questions that violate the Terms of Use, we delete them. Keep in mind that sometimes those types of questions get asked during periods of the 24 hour day when many Advisors are sleeping or otherwise occupied, so it takes a few hours before those types of questions get attended to.

Answer #4

oh I know thats what I put on xoxoashley go look if ud like

Answer #5

lol wow take a chill pill if it bothers you so much…

It’s not a big deal and its a free country

Answer #6

wow. you work here?

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