Can I still be pregnant with my period?

me and my boyfriend has sex earlier this july around the 4th. I’ve always been a bit chubby and I have my period now but im still paranoid ..could I be pregnant?

Answer #1

What all of you ladies need to remember out there is this: EVERY WOMEN IS DIFFERENT! Just b/c half of women out there start there periods and wind up NOT pregnant, doesn’t mean that you AREN’T pregnant. Take my advice. I used unprotected sex ONE time, had my period, started on the same day, right on time, had for 3 straight months then, BAM! They all of a sudden STOPPED. I went to the doctors’, got a blood test, and guess what ladies, I WAS PREGNANT. So, if you have had unprotected sex, even ONE time, and you get your period, don’t you dare think that means, “Oh, thank God I’m NOT pregnant!” Because there’s always that possibility. So, remember that, b/c you if you stroll around thinking you’re not: smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, etc. You could damage your unborn child. Remember BE SMART! LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES. —RAECHEL.

Answer #2

^^ There’s nothing wrong with having s*x when a girl has her period as long as protection is used since it is actually possible to get pregnant during your period!

Answer #3

Well i dont think you are pregnant because you have had your period this month so i wouldnt be worried about it. if you are still paranoid then buy a test and look at the results, but i think your fine Also if you used protection theres not a good chance that your pregnant

Did you tell your boyfriend?


Answer #4

well some women have periods while pregnant and they don’t know till they miss there period a few months into pregnancy or when there going in labour. It can be a really big shock i get paranoid because no matter if i get a period half of me will think what if I’m having a period while pregnant and not know it cause i heard stories about women having periods while pregnant even seen in on the news. The only reason I’m paranoid is that I had Implantation bleeding on the 2nd may got my period 2 weeks later then the next month my periods were in patterns for 3 months. This month I was 1 day late which has never happened before. I feel stupid if i go get a blood test done and i’m not pregnant. I do experience pregnancy symptoms as well on and off

Answer #5

If you’ve had your period then I very much doubt you’re pregnant. Bleeding could mean mischarage or something else negitive with a baby however if the bleed was more than a day or two then it was probably your period. If it was your period then it is impossible that you are pregnant however if you are still worried you could get a test just to put your mind at ease. Hope this helped x

Answer #6

It’s not too likely, but yes, you could be. Most women do not bleed during early pregnancy, but some actually do. The only way to know for sure is to take a test.

If you are paranoid about getting pregnant, maybe that means you need to use a different form of birth control or a backup method of birth control. There are many methods that offer very good protection, so there would be no logical reason to go around worrying all of the time.

Answer #7

I thinks that all of this is true. but now I am on my cycle and I feel as though I am, b/c I have movements and my back hurts like hell!!!

Answer #8


,love rere444

Answer #9

well first of all i dont think its a good idea to have s e x on ur period an u might be pregnate take a prenatecy test

Answer #10

no i didnt tell him yet i will when i get the chance

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