Am I not pretty to be in this world?

Some of my guy friends say im fat! That hurts a lot! Im not that fat..I only weight about 150 because im tall..5’5 and big buns bhind me. Am I that fat? I also have a flat stomach. My waist size is 9-13…depends if my buns fit into my pants lol. I really hate when they say im fat…which I tink I am but some pplz say that im not…Am I? I also soemtimes hate how I look.

Answer #1

hahah LOL.. kendras..u ARE b’ful… please dont worry and I agree with Steven..!

Answer #2


135 for 5’8

dude now I feel bad for me size 3 your skinny lol

Answer #3

thnx..I’ll put a pic later

Answer #4

haha sorry I wasnt trying to make you feel bad at all!! I feel bad now I was just trying to say that I think its everyones personal opinon about themselves I used to be 140 size 5 but I started modeling and they want me at 125 so I guess its everyones personal opinon

Answer #5

AH ok its ok though I c I c

but thnx anyways

Answer #6

There is a saying that there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. This is in many ways true. Even if you are not born classically beautiful or pretty, there is nothing to stop you from being very attractive, very well-groomed or elegant. Every woman, can be any of these, and for a lot of people, this counts as much or more than ‘beautiful’ or ‘pretty’.

So how do you get there?

  1. Identify your strong points. Maybe you have lovely hair (long, thick, nice colour), or beautiful skin (even, a nice complexion), height, a nice figure (slender, or well-endowed, or proportional), or nice teeth (white, even) or a nice face (regular features, beautiful eyes, full lips, a well-formed nose). No woman in the world is totally devoid of at least one attractive feature.

Invest in and maintain your good points. For example, if you have nice hair, make sure it is always well-maintained and well-groomed. If you have a good height, you are a natural candidate for elegance. Use it.

  1. The two points every one looks at are your extremities - your hair and your shoes - and everything in between. If you cannot influence what is in between, you have no excuse if you do not influence the extremes.

Identify a hairstyle that suits you, whatever your hair is like. Invest in good haircuts, good hair colour, good hairstyles.

Invest in good quality beautiful shoes. Whatever you look like naturally, you can make sure that your hair is attractive and you wear beautiful shoes. You can match your shoes with other accessories like belts or bags for an even more stylish look.

  1. Every woman can be well-groomed. Take time to find out which style of clothes best suits your figure and which colours are best for you. Invest in a few good pieces of clothing that flatter you. A few pieces that make you look well-groomed are better than a closet full of clothes that do nothing for you.

Even if you are overweight, there is still a wide range of clothes that can make you look well-groomed.

Elegance is an attitude - it is not inborn -and every woman can develop it. Every woman can find a style - tailored pant and skirt suits, two-piece outfits, jackets, nice skirts and so on - that make her look elegant.

If you use make-up, find out which make up suits you - for example colours and consistency. Invest in good quality make-up.

The fact is, a well-groomed woman attracts as much or more attention than a beautiful or pretty one. The other fact is that natural beauty cannot be maintained without good grooming. As women age, the difference in attractiveness boils down more and more to grooming and maintenance than natural looks.

With increasing age, even a perfect skin loses elasticity and begins to wrinkle; the perfect figure may grow thicker or flabby; perfect hair may thin out.

At the end of the day, a good grooming and maintenance routine leads to a woman looking better than if she relied on her natural looks alone.

It is for this reason that some women look better with age, because they find their style and the right grooming, while others fade with age, because their attractiveness depended on youthful beauty alone, which cannot be sustained.

Answer #7

Well, its hard to say with descriptions alone, I would really need a body shot to be accurate. As for what you have told… it “sounds” like you are a tad over the limit for your height… but it does not sound bad at all. I would rather have someone that is healthy than anorexic. I wouldn’t worry about it to be honest, live your life how you want to live it, don’t be concerned about what others tell you.

hm.. I use to remember a calculation to tell the standard weight per inch of height, but I forgot it.

Answer #8

if those guys say your fat they arent your guy friends that is just really mean and everyone has their own oppinon about what fat is, just for an idea, im 5’8 135 and pants size 3. and I am on a diet and want to loose 10 pounds so I guess it just depends

Answer #9

I can’t really speak for all guys, but I for one would definitely prefer having a girl who’s a little chubby than one who’s really, really skinny. Besides, if you have a flat stomach, then you can’t be that fat. You’re probably just being teased by them, don’t take it seriously.

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