Am I a normal weight now?

ok so I asked this before but it seems like im gettin chubbier! Like I got so sick of my family calling me stick or tree or whatever that I keep eating double my portion and trust me thats a lot I eat liek a hog!! anyways im 5’9 and weigh 123 normal yet?

Answer #1

what 155 I dont want to be shamoo the whale!!! god people have you lost sense in normal weight?!?!?!?!? plus I just called my doctor and asked her my normal weight and she said im the perfect weight and height!!! The econemy is changing now she said… Like back then people would be tall and skinny in high school, now its short and chubby thinking they are hot stuff! But yah im normal so yah.

Answer #2

never get mad when people say your small. its a compliment. try to stay that way. my family did the same to me and now their all over weight. ha ha and im still sxy. skinny is sexy and I love you. loose those extra gained pounds becuase they can make you sick.

Answer #3

I think you could probably gain a little weight but you are fine… just try to maintain where you are and stay fit. who cares what anyone else thinks. just be happy in your own skin =)

Answer #4

go skinny people screw the fat pigs we aint dropping over with heart attacks!!!

Answer #5

You’re PERFECT sweetheart! Can you fit through the doorway? Yes? Then don’t worry! :P xo B

Answer #6

Yah I guess you are samantha… No im just playing anyone got answers but me? lol

Answer #7

your BMI is 18.2, so abit more weight would be good.

Answer #8

lol your funny adding you

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