when I measured my penis I found it to be nearly ten

Okay I was in the changing rooms at college, when it came time to get in the showers, all being quite mature we happily just took off our clothes and got in, but I when we got in the shower, I couldn’t help but compare, neither could they. They were all shocked by the size and proceeded to make jokes, so when I got home I looked up the average size and found it to be six inches, when I measured mine I found it to be nearly ten. I was shocked myself at this point. So is this normal, and would you girl prefer it or be scared/put of by it?, Mail me or leave me an answer please.

Answer #1

Well, I would say consider yourself lucky…every guy who reads this is now envious of you. To answer your question, it is normal, from my experience and talking to my friends, pending a guys ethnic background. I myself have noticed a huge difference in size of the guys I have been with. Black men being the largest and a very close 2nd Italian men. I am of course only speaking from my experience because I am sure someone is going to say I am being stereotypical. Fot the second part of your question: some girls might be a little scared, if they aren’t very experienced or if they are a virgin. But, then if you have a very experienced girl, you might be a dream come true for her.

I’m 30 and experienced, my man is Italian and 9 inches and that is enough for me.

Be proud, most guys would love to be in your predicament. Just make sure when you have sex with a girl, start slow and see what she can handle.

Answer #2

If you really like someone then the size of their penis is irrelevant to you – so long as it’s not ridiculously small. Just don’t be aggressive with your schlong and I’m sure it won’t make a difference. And btw, I sincerely doubt you have a ten inch penis.

Answer #3

Define normal??

You say yourself, “when I got home I looked up the average size and found it to be six inches”.

Therefore you are above average in length. It has nothing to do with normality.

However, the way you have addressed this question to ‘girls’ make me suspect you are just fishing for compliments.

Good luck with the modesty.



Answer #4

That is the case in some instances zoeyredbird.

Other girls, especially ones that are new to sex, will often prefer smaller because it is less painful for them.

Pity the virgin who dates the guy with a 10 inch long and very think penis. The pain could put her off sex for life.



Answer #5

most of my friends that are girls seem to like a man with a big penis

Answer #6

Are you able to self suck as a form of masturbating?

Answer #7

Well Not In A Mean Way, But iWould Be Hella Scared For Dat Big of A Size To Be InSide Of Mehh Cuz Dat Would Hella Hurt But I Think It Would Only Hurt Like On Mehh Cuz iM Still A Virgin!): But Still Yuhh Should Be Proud Of Your Size Cuz Alot Of Other Girls Would Enjoy Your Size!(;

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