Is it true love or just a whirlwind romance?

I have a long distance relationship. He’s Hungarian and I’m American. We met at work a cruise line. I’m back at home in Texas and he’s still on ship. I’m head over heels in love. He promised to move to Texas where I’m from. Well when we were together for 2 weeks until I left, it was amazing. It was me and him. No one else. He spoiled me in every way. He could he never leave me, only to use the restroom. He even asked me to do his laundry I felt special, like he trust me. In a weird way I find that cute. He noticed my smell perfume he told me everything would be ok. He took me to time we sat across an older couple they were looking at us as we were of them admired of each one. My hun brought me a necklace that day he put it on me then the older couple said it was their anniversary. At that moment I thought, is this great or what? A happy married couple smiling upon us. I had to leave work early time was cut but can something so great be over or just the beginning? Help me! Is it real?

Answer #1

Dear alice3130, I understand how you feel but you are surrounded by red flags; meaning that you might be destined to heart break. Some of the red flags are he wouldn’t let you out of his sight only to go to the washroom and he asked you to do his laundry. To you this sounds flattering and sweet but us older folks will tell you this is not good…no matter how much in love someone is they need space and to be trusted to be on their own. He also works on a ship and perhaps has many like you come and go. Just be very prepared for a let down. After just 2 weeks he probably isn’t going to move to Texas. I wish you all the best but these things rarely work out. Sue….good luck

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