Am I gay?

I’ve accedently seen nude images of male a hacker pt them up and also when I hang out with my friends I feel weird not like love but uncomterable

Answer #1

I can’t say if you’re gay or not — but seeing nude images of a male doesn’t make you gay even if they turned you on.

One could argue that a non-gay male shouldn’t get “feelings” from looking at them, but your brain doesn’t quite work the way people think it should — even those who are definitely not gay can become stimulated by seeing them…

So — on its own, it’s not enough to prove you’re gay or not.

As to how you feel when you’re around your friends. You didn’t give enough information to go on with it.

Based on your age, you’re at a point when you’re starting to mature sexually, and these feelings are part of that.

You still have plenty of time to figure out of you’re gay or not — but remember, being gay is not a disease or something you become. It’s a sexual preference.

Normally in nature, it’s a connection between a male and a female because that’s how the species survives. Same sex relations can not on their own create anyone new to the population.

In time, you’ll know for yourself if you’re gay — but honestly, based on your age and what you’ve said here — I wouldn’t think you’re anything other than a normal male beginning to become an adult…and this is part of that process… Don’t worry about it really at this point in your life…

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