am I crazy or being unreasonable?

Okay. I am really trying to be a good girlfriend here but my boyfriend is making it real hard for me not to snap at him. My boyfriend is always pissed when I hug other men. Not random men, for example: I invited my friend and her ex boyfriend over my house the other day(he’s helping her move some stuff into her new apartment) for dinner because they they’ve been moving, driving around all day, so I thought it would be nice to give them Both a break by cooking them a nice dinner. It was the first time I was meeting her ex boyfriend(he’s from another state) so of course he went in for a hug and said, nice to meet you yadayada…

My boyfriend has this weird thing about other men touching me( no, Im not kidding).When I first met my other friend’s boyfriend, which was the first time that I’ve learned about my boyfriend’s weird request, about not hugging men who are not him and who are not related to me. That day, my boyfriend and I got into this crazy argument about the whole hugging thing. I could not believe what I was hearing. He claimed that the only reason that my friend’s boyfriend had hugged me was because he wanted me or something. I told him that he didn’t, but he would not listen. that was a year ago. So the other day, we were having the same stupid argument about this whole hugging crap. I wanted to punch him in the throat that’s how pissed I was. Also, my friend had asked me if I could go with her to show her ex boyfriend around town(he’s visiting from another state) so I said, yes which has gotten my boyfriend more pissed. He claimed that the guy wanted me. The only reason she asked me was because she’s not good at taking the subway, I’m a subway rat.

he’s saying he wants to be with me forever, but I have to agree not hug any men, at his request. Ummm am I crazy for thinking this the stupidest request I’ve ever heard? ( did I mention that he used to abuse his ex) We’ve been together for 3 years and he’s never laid a finger on me. And said he would never hit a woman again, but his controlling behavior is getting on my last nerves.

Answer #1

This guy sounds like hes jealous. Tell your guy that you only love him and hugs dont mean anything. Also tell him that he can trust you hope this helped… even a teeenny bit=]

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