am I anorexic?

ok, im 5’7 tall and I weigh 108 pounds. my parents and all my friends say that im anorexic. my mom says I look sick. are they right about me being anorexic? because I don’t think I am. please help!!

Answer #1

it sounds like it you say you eat 800 calories a day, which is twice about as low as the amount you need so it sounds like your starving yourself and I dont think you realise how important nutrients really are to your body do you get your period reguarly? because not eating enough and being underweight (as you are) can cause your periods to stop if its a body image thing, try to work it out theres no point starving yourself to look like the edited and photoshopped people in the movies, magazines, models and music videos, ect it does sound like you have an eating disorder because your eating so little go to a doctoe, and get your bmi (body mass index) correctly calculated, so youll be able to see how underweight you are for your age and height

Answer #2

That’s not healthy at all. You most probably are anorexic.

Why I asked that before, is that like how some people can be genetically predisposed to being fat/overweight, there are people who are genetically predisposed to being thin also. I have a friend who is super thin, but she eats like an Olympic champion - and her metabolism is so good that she doesn’t get fat no matter what she eats. So I thought you could be one of these people. But now that you mention your daily calorie intake, I highly doubt it.

Answer #3

no way, I only eat about 800 at the most.

Answer #4

Do you eat at least 2000 calories per day?

Answer #5

im sorry to saw that you probably are :( you underweight and it sounds like your not getting enough nutrition.

Answer #6

Anorexic means you don’t eat at all only drink… But you do need to up your calorie intake

Answer #7

Anorexia Nervosa

Understanding the signs, symptoms, causes and treatment

How to gain weight as an anorexic?

Go to the site below:

Average Teenager Weight


Normal Adult Height-Weight Range Table

Pick a weight that is in the middle for your age/height range. Write that weight down. That will be the weight that, when you reach it, you can start worrying about getting fat if you cross it.

Now, start eating. Slowly in small amounts until your body gets used to eating again. Always eat breakfast since that will jump-start your metabolism and help your body burn calories so that you don’t get fat.

Build up to drinking 8 eight ounce glasses of water per day, one glass before every meal (except breakfast) and before every snack.

Don’t worry about checking the weight scale. Checking it once a week is sufficient.

Get sufficient exercise to help burn calories and to tone your body’s muscles. That will help make your body look good while helping to keep off excess fat and it will help you feel good about yourself.

Check out this link for exercise information:

Remember, in your case, you have a bad body image of yourself. It isn’t real but it is what’s keeping you from eating. Stick to the formula above, while reminding yourself that the food you eat IS making you healthier and more beautiful, and you will find that being real and looking good is easy and that you have no reason to fear food.

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