Am I Anarecsic ??

People always say to me im anarecsic .Im vegterian .I Dont eat breakfast,I dont eat at school but I do sometimes but only a drink or something .But I always eat tea but only because I cant get away with not eating tea.and I have lost a lot of weight really quickly because of it.Douse this mean im anarecsic??

Answer #1

its anorexic and yes, you could be any drastic thing you do to loose weight or control your weight is an idication that you have an eating disorder not eating is starving yourself, also known as anorexia if you dont have one yet your well on the way to an unhealthy eating disorder that can take your health, fertility and even life get the help you need nefore its gets out of control tell somsone about your eating problem because knowone can help you if they dont know whats wrong with you

Answer #2

anorexia is a nervous disorder - its psychological- if you see yourself as fat when you are clearly not, find your body disgusting, have a constant need to control your food and find food revolting or binge and throw up in gulit- theyre eating disorders like anorexia & bulimea. not eating is not healthy and you will become seroiusly underweight but you are not necessarily anorexic as that is a disease of the mind-if you know you are not eating and know its not right then why are you doing it?

Answer #3


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