Am I a good mom or what?

Hi! I am a 24 yr old w/3 girls 5,2,1 and I feel like I put it all on my 5 yr old she’s so smart and intelligent. this is her 2nd yr of school she was and prek now kindergarden. I don’t know if its just because she sassy or I have to tell her more then once to do some thing but I feel like I yell at her too much than the other 2. and after I yell I fell bad we are a good family I work while she’s and school. my mom keeps the babies at her house and after school we do homework and play til its time to eat.then its bath, book and bed by 8:30 am I hard or is it just me?

Answer #1

hey… firstly, there is no such thing as a good parent or a bad parent …so no! however, there are problem solving strategies you can use to get all your kids to behave better…

the simplist and probably one of the best is to reward kids with something they want when they do the right thing, and ignore them when they don’t. That way you aren’t giving them attention for behaving badly, or making anyone cry or scream. Your reward could be chocolate, or hiring a dvd of their choice at the end of the week, or their choice in cereal …be creative!

Most importantly, don’t yell at your children because it ruins their trust in you, and may make them afraid to tell you if they’ve done something wrong. Everyone makes mistakes and one of the most valueable lessons you can teach your kids is to be accepting of this, and to ‘learn from their mistakes’

good luck! luv rachel

Answer #2

all children are different and respond to different types punishment…yes I’m going to say it.. some children need to be spanked, that’s what works for them. some respond to calm conversation, some need to be yelled at, some need to be hugged, etc… the key to being a parent is figuring out which type your child(ren) responds to and using that. each of you kids may need differnt types of punishment. maybe you let her know how angry you are by telling her, and sending her to her room until you calm down so you don’t do anything to rash. let her know that though. tell her “I’m to angry to handle it right now you need to go to your room until I can calm down and then you will get you punishment” if she’s got all the goodies in her room make sure she knows she’s not to play or watch tv. good luck. it’s difficult being a mom. and you are a young mom of 3!! keep the faith, you can do it.

I don’t think yelling makes you a bad parent.

Answer #3

As soon as my son got into Kindergarten he started mouthing off. I always though it would start later too but unfortunately it started earlier. I try to remember that he’s a little boy and he’s trying to test his boundaries. He’s learning all these new “bad” words at school that he has to test out on me and yes I do yell at times because let’s face it…we’re all people that make mistakes. Don’t be so hard on yourself…a natural part of motherhood is second guessing every decision you make but that doesn’t make your decisions wrong.

When you can feel the “anger” building up and you feel like you’re going to yell just take some deep breathes (call a time out for you) and then talk to her.

A good mother is one that cares and works to improve herself…obviously that’s you..

Answer #4

yes I do take time out and get eye level with her and speak in a calm voice but she still comes back with a whatever, or so , or shoulder shrug I thought this wasn’t suppose to happen til they got older. but I love all children and when her friends come to play they know house rules and if they break thwm I talk to the parent about it and let them handle it I couldt see my self yelling at someone elses child I know I wouldn’t want them hollering at mine . thanks

Answer #5

to have kids its a hard normel when you became with them dont let them know that you are tiered or something like it.because when they find you tiered or sick or mad they will make you crazy.trest me my littel sister just like yours kids…and try to be always next then your big daughter its better for her try to be her close friend

Answer #6

sometimes its better to not yell at them, just let them see how angry you are through your body language and tone of voice, they’ll be more frightened of that.

Answer #7

that’s true thank’s I was just feeling guilty or something I don’t use the belt it’s timeout or no playing outside or dessert after dinner . but earliier I guess I was on the edge because I thought about grabbing a belt and felt bad because that crossed my mind.

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