Alotta cum for some reason..

So, I got off my period a week ago. and ever since I’ve been having this really white liquidy stuff come out of my vagina. it was so bad I had to use a tampon. I don’t know what it is and why. and its not the prettiest smell either.

does anybody know whats going on? and what I can do to prevent this? thanks, stephanie :)

Answer #1

It’s normal. It’s not cum or anything. It’s just discharge. You may have to wear a thin pantyliner for a week or so after your period.

Answer #2

it might be a yeast infection… discharge isnt supposed to have a bad oder I have a lot of discharge too but it is never super dooper smelly… but remember that every girl has her own smell… and if you have sex make sure you go pee after or you can get a yeast infection and make sure a guy doesnt go down on you after drinking because the yeast in the beer in his mouth can give it to u…

Answer #3

ohmygod I have the same thing! and I dunno either so if you find out tell meee

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