ok so im fouteen right and my bff(11) has not received her period yet and wanted an opinion from the world.were having a sleep over and she has gone to the bathromm four times in the past two hours and thats not normal to her and she is havin g cramps in her lower stomach. she wants to know if this is a sign of her period cumming.

Answer #1

mysterywolf - I dont think she should wear a tampon at first! mainly because she doesnt have her period. that could harm her down there

but yes, I would stick with wearing a pad if you feel it is coming. best of luck!

Answer #2

I had those signs for a few years but it turned out to be anxiety. your friend doesnt need to worry, I was fourteen and half by the time I started. and now I wish I could have held off even longer because it’s miserable!!

Answer #3

U never know. For some people, 11 is the normal age. I know I started when I was 10. If she is getting it, just make sure she is ready. Cramps could be the sign of her period, but then again, cramps are normal, and happen frequently. Her going 2 the bathroom that many times, could juss be her bladder, or 2 much 2 drink

Answer #4

Maybe there were bad cupcakes shrugs

Or maybe it’s her period. Toss a couple of paracetamol to the back of her throat and get her to wear a pad/tampon in case it comes and she’ll be ok.

Answer #5

she worried about having not got her peroid when she was 11. I got mine a month before my 12th birthday and was like the 2nd person in my class to get it. She should not be to worried she’ll get it and then proceed to hate having it.__tell her to go swimming and look forward to it that always gets mine going… she is at a sleep over so it can happen there too(I don’t care what anyone else says periods seem to know when some event is going to happen)

so anyway if she is feeling crappy, crampy and stuff she might be getting it, thats how I feel before mine. I say have her wear a pad before sleeping because that will stop her from ruining her underware if it does happen.

Answer #6

I got mine in 5th grade on a field trip.. and I didn’t even know what it was.. then I got home and my mom saw my undies when I took them off to get a bath and was like.. OMG YOU GOT YOUR PERIOD and I was like “I did?” but yeah.. I hate it.. tell her to enjoy swimming while she doesn’t have to where a tampon even though she probably want wear a tampon for a few years.. I know im 14 and I just started wearing a tampon a few months ago and now thats all I wear. she’ll be fine. :) good luck to your friend! :)

Answer #7

my bff is feeling a little more helped out now thanx 4 the info and I hope to see more advice!!!

Answer #8

no prob. :)

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