Albino oscar sick ??

My oscar who I have had awhile suddenly seems sick (I think) to look at him skin ect he is normal but just has not eaten for 4 days now stays at bottom of tank a lot more than normal .Seems as though hes opening closing his mouth constantly I think hes breathing but his mouth is never closed .everything else looks fine .I regularly do water changes and make sure there is not a sudden temp difference keep the ph nueteral and bought in a mate for him about 3-4 weeks ago whom he gets on fine with.I do not know what to do as theres nothing visible ie=(white spot) and dont want to loose him .

Thank you Marlies Smith

Answer #1

Hmm, does he get enough oxygen flow in there? Maybe his mate has some sort of disease that passed on to him? Do they live in the same tank? Is his new mate eating all his food before he could get to it? Have you tried some different kind of food to entice him? How old is he? Maybe he is very old and his time may be coming up?

I’ve reared many kinds of fishes before, including koi and discus, but not oscars. Maybe you can go to an aquarium store and ask one of their experienced staff.

Hope he’ll pull through, good luck!

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