
On march 26 I hurt my ankle the gp said it was ok to walk on it after 2 days of pain I could no longer put weight on it.Then I was on crutches for two weeks then sent to on orthopedic who said x rays show no break its just bruised and put me in a cam boot for a month and did therapy for that month.movement is better but still not 100% I also cant move my big toe . any ideas

Answer #1

This don’t sound good. I’m no lawyer, but this sounds like the stuff of lawsuits. Where did you first injure yourself? Is there a lawsuit there? What about suing that doctor who told you to walk on it which might have exacerbated an injury they should have detected?

A lawsuit might sound drastic, but you might have to deal with problems from this for the rest of your life. Not being able to move your big toe is pretty bad. Bad as in you’re not fixed yet. Maybe there was a fracture or not, but something was seriously insulted.

Keep that other foot good so you can kick some butt because you may have to. How about checking out a personal injury attorney? get one of those free consultations. They wanna see if they can get money from your case, and if you even have a case. You should try to get as much advice as you can. Especially try to find out what you should NOT say, in case of a future case.

Nutrition tip: eat a 1/2 a fresh (has to be fresh) pineapple daily while healing from breaks to get the bromelain (enzyme) to promote healing. Pineapple is the only edible source of bromelain. Helps sprains, strains, etc as well. Maybe you don’t need as much. Its delicious (for some) and has powerful anti-inflammatory and other medicinal properties that hit the spot.

Good Luck

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