Should I sleep with this irresistable older guy/

Hi, I’m 14 and what most people I know call me a slag! Not because I Sleep around! I’m a virgin an proud! Everyone knows that! I have this problem! I really like this 21 year old who i’ve known for along time and slept with when I was drunk! But we were both unconcious! I talk to him occasionally but we’re not very close but He wants to sleep with me but I don’t know if I should! I just find him kinda irrisistable! Should I or Should I not??

Answer #1

NO! First of all he is a preditor. Listen to yourself. 1.)you only “talk to him occasionally” … 2.) “we’re not very close” … 3.) you “were … unconcious” when you “slept with (?had sex with?) him”. Please don’t sleep with him. When you become 21 youself in a few years, you will realize how much of a dirtbag this guy is trying to bonk a 14 year old.

Answer #2

no, why make that mistake? your not ready, but it’s good that u recognize that u need advice,but he’s TOO OLD!! YOUR TOO YOUNG!! that’s all jail time, that is something you have to let go of. and if you two are not even close? then he might just be a prav that want’s s** chill out on him.

Answer #3

i agree with llewellyn if your asking us then your not ready. plus he’s way to old and your way to young. you say your proud to be a virgin. then why change that. say no

Answer #4

So when you say you two slept together, do you mean actual sleep as opposed to sx? But now he wants to have sx with you?

I would say “no” if I were you. That’s a pretty big age difference. So big, in fact, that I think that would be a felony in much of the US.

Also, you’re already saying you’re not sure if you should and asking us for our opinions. If you’re not sure and have to ask other people, then you’re not ready. When you are ready, you will know instead of wondering, and you won’t need to ask strangers what you should do!

You also need to know a lot about reproductive anatomy, pregnancy, STDs, and birth control before you ever have s*x.

Answer #5

I know exactly how it is I lost my virginity to a 23 yr old im in love with and im 16 but we werent drunk. He is a great guy and dont use girls, but if you arent close then I would really say no. I would hate to see you get hurt in the long run because it sounds like he just wants to use you and I really would not like to see u hurt because speaking from experience I know exactly how it is to like an older guy and to feel inresisitable

Answer #6


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