After a bad break up . . . . .

After a bad break up, is it normal for a girl to start to think shes bi because she might feel closer and more secure having a girlfriend then a boyfriend?

Answer #1

Your taking this EX bf thing way out of context. Ive never heard anyone think that she might be bi because of a bad breakup. I would hope you feel close to your gfs. I mean they should be with you through thick and thin if theyre true friends!

Are you having feelings for your gfs like you did for your ex? Or is it just the security? I really dont think thats a reason to think your bi!

Answer #2

Hi there,

most women go through a phase when they feel so insecure about their relationships with men that they think they might be more comfortable with women. They call it a break-up, because it is broken. Throw it away, and get a new one! Bi-sexuality is when you have deep romantic feelings for a member of the opposite as well as same sex. Unless you can see yourself being married to a woman, and having a life long commitment ROMANTICALLY yo her, I think you should toss these feelings aside, have fun with your friends and get a new guy to call baby.

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