Afraid of a text message

I got a really scary forward today on my cellphone. it was one of those chain messages. It said: hi my is Monay I will be at the front of your bed tonight unles you send this to nine people. it also came with a really scary picture who was probably dead because her skin was deatly whilt almost gray she has on a white shirt and her hair was black and she had blood smeared from one ear across her cheeks and her mouth to the other ear and her head is just moving back and forth. and it also has a really creepy song with it. It got around to all of the 7th and 8th grade with cell phones and 3 forths of them got scared by it and started crying (including me) and now it is this huge deal at school so everyone who is scared of it is going to sleep with their mom but my mom is in arizona and im in rhode island and I no it really won’t happen but the idea song and picture scare and I had no idea what it was because it just said (name of friend) fwd;fw;fwd so I had no idea I no I shouldn’t be scared but I am and I won’t be able to sleep tonight and I already talked to my grandparents about it and they thought it was stupid but to me it isn’t its scary. please HELP

Answer #1


Answer #2

Dont worry about it. I’ve never come across these sort of messages but I can understand why they would scare you. It just some sickos idea of a game. From now on if you dont know the number on your phone ignore the message and delete it? if someone is trying to get hold of you that you know they will through another channel.

Answer #3

That stuff never works…Like, I get messages saying send to 10 people and look at your wallpaper don’t get mad this is funny. it never works..and the pictures are probably some photoshopped picture..I got a pic from my friend, she said it was a girl whose heart was stolen..yeah right. it was a picture of her that had been lightened..I get them on youtube all the time, and in the middle of the night from 300 numbers…just never open them late at night, it could really freak you! ignore and erase is what I say. Don’t be scared like Michael Johns here. lol

Answer #4

I really HATE chain mails!!! I refuse to forward them. My husband knows how I feel about them and the dummy still sends them. Go figure.

It sounds like the 7th and 8th grades have a little bit of mass hysteria going on. I wouldn’t worry. I really dont think that God, Jesus and the boogey man have time to sit and watch to see who forwards them and who doesnt.

Answer #5

ok ty here is a less scary chain message cause once again I don’t want to die

think you shud not read this but,,,

sorry but In 1997 a girl called lauren was walking in a forest and then a she just dissapeared no one ever found her untill 2000 when a yoing girl called Mary found her body and markings on her chest saying: I wasnt pretty enough” and now you have read this she will appear in your mirrorrsaying your not pretty enough and kill you. by the way the girl called mary died shortly after. To be saved paste this to 5 other bands. THIS IS TRUE Now uv started readin dis dunt stop. This is so scary. Send this to 5 ova bands in 143 Minutes. When your done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters. This is scary cause it actually works!!! ! FOR FUN!!3

Answer #6

OMG LOL, Yall are hilarious… are you sure your 13, I didnt act like that when I was 13, its a freaking message, you are making a big deal out of nothing!!! If I were you and that afraid of FORWARDS I would change my # and just give it to my parents…

Answer #7

Why do idiots even consider forwarding chain letters? If you EVER forward a chain letter, you are only adding to the mess. You should only write back to whoever sent it to you and tell them to stop wasting your time.

Answer #8

why wouldn’t a 13 year old need a cell phone becasue apparently by this whole subject as proof this person isn’t mature enough to handle a cell phone and the stupid txt msgs that come with it

Answer #9

I can’t delete the message someone almost everyone has deleted the message and tommorow we are going to the princaple as a homeroom (and one other girl) and im the one who has to show the message

Answer #10

I can’t delete the message someone almost everyone has deleted the message and tommorow we are going to the princaple as a homeroom (and one other girl) and im the one who has to show the message

Answer #11

I would like to add to my previous msg, I didn’t realize how young you are…maybe at your age you shouldn’t be txting. why would a 13 year old need a cell pohne anyways…

Answer #12

its just someone thats just playing a joke because I get them all the time in texts and on myspace so its nothing. sometimes I dont fwd them nothing will happen. yeah they scare me too I wouldnt sleep for a

Answer #13

I would like to add to my previous msg, I didn’t realize how young you are…maybe at your age you shouldn’t be txting. why would a 13 year old need a cell pohne anyways…

Better question. Why wouldn’t a 13 year old need a phone?

Don’t worry, nothing going to happen. I never forward those messages and I’m still alive, as are my parents. But the ones with the pictures are the scariest. Only because of the pictures though. When you go to bed, find a stuffed animal or something to sleep with, it’ll make you feel less lonely and probably make you feel better. That’s what I do everynight. Wether I’m happy, sad, mad, scared, whatever.

Answer #14

I got one like that a while ago with the same message but a little different picture. I kinda freaked me out but nothing happened. You’ll be fine :)

Answer #15

Those messages are scary. Some people get scared easily. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a cellphone. What it proves is that people send the dumbest texts. I could think of PLENTY of reasons a 13 year old could need a cell phone.

Answer #16

hah hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha thats exactly why they send those stupid messages ! plus how could you not know who it was from … lol how long have you been locked up in that house of yours…u got worse stuff to worry about ! when I was your age like less that 2 years agio my friend would have sent it to me then snuck in my room at night and scared me to death !

Answer #17

Its all a bunch of SH** you people who belive it. well your losers seriously lol

Answer #18

people have done that on youtube just ignore it thats not true thats mean of someone to do that to anyone.

Answer #19

there just dumb my friends have send me a whole bunch of them I never fowared them and look im still alive

Answer #20

I twasn’t started by the phone company. It was started by someone who probably got the message on My Space or something.

Answer #21

don’t be frietened ! I love you so just be happy

Answer #22

Started by the phone companies? are you people kidding? they are started by losers with too much time on their hands

Answer #23

its just a chain mail sweetie, calm yourself. Those things are started by the phone companies.

Answer #24

oh she is there when you wake up so there is no escape and that isn’t a very nice word :(

Answer #25

everyone of my friends has one ( I go to private school so I have to keep up with my friends suchas couch juicy couture etc.)

Answer #26

deep breathe and act like an adult it was just a stupid msg…if it helps you feel better go back and delete it,

Answer #27

its a stupid message… grow up!!!

Answer #28

I wish I could up load the message does anyone no how

Answer #29

I wish I could up load the message does anyone no how

If your phone is able to be hooked up to a computer, you can upload it, I think.

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