Advisor Question

I just need to knwo before I actually become one,how long does it take to become an Advisor and whats teh easiest way to get there.

Answer #1

Provide highly rated answers (good grammer, puntuation, helpful advice, etc)…and then funmail ‘thedude’ or ‘editor’

There is no set time limit on how long it takes to become one…

Answer #2

also being an advisor isnt for everyone nothing really changes exept a yellow icom above your answers and your power to edit or delete questions if they are against the terms of use

Answer #3

Becoming an advisor isn’t that you’re here for a certain amount of time and automatically become one - if we notice someone giving a lot of really good advice then we may promote them to become one (usually have to be here for atleast a month). Or sometimes if users feel they could fill the position they can funmail ‘editor’ or ‘thedude’ requesting to be looked over. Things they may look for:

  • quality of your advice
  • overall attitude
  • amount of advice
  • how long you’ve been here
  • grammar
  • punctuation
  • your history
  • your ratings
Answer #4

There isn’t really a set time for you to be an advisor, as long as you’ve been around for awhile and giving helpful advice. Your advice should be deemed helpful by a lot of people (rated 100%), and should also have a good explanation to a person’s problem (it doesn’t have to be very long, but enough for the person to understand) that’s backed up with researched facts. The history of all your answers will tell a lot about your character, which is also an important factor when choosing an advisor.

Answer #5

The first thing you need to do - learn how to spell

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