How to be an advisor?

I get the deal of you have to answer a large amount of question with clear and helpful answers but I was looking through the rest of the advisors and one of them only has only answered 1 question, so if they can become and advisor just like that, why not just make me advisor? now I’m not trying to single them out or saying that they are not qualified, I’m just saying I know a lot that can help out, and I ove helping people in whatever way I can.

Answer #1

The lone advisor you’re mentioning is in fact one of our programmers ;) He’s an advisor to test out functionality on the site, not necessarily to answer questions.

I hope that clarifies. If you’re interested in becomming one, hang out for a bit & we’ll promote you. Another thing we look for: ability to use the features of the site (fun mail, picture upload, site search, friend list, etc).



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