What do you get if you add spirits together?

If your spirit voice, your inner reading voice - your thinking voice(s), the one you generally pray with and to talk to God with in whatever manner seems best to you voice - is in your head with your spirit, does that not mean that every person’s head is a house of God? Whether you believe in Adam or in evolution or in some other first pairing, we are all kin (unless you believe all the armies and bandits of the past were celibate), and related to each other in one way or another going back thousands of years. If all of Humanity on the Earth is one great holistic super-organism (oop, I nearly said the wrong thing!), would we become more holy if we networked more and tried to understand each other better? What sort of holy spirit do we appear to be so far? Are we what we’re supposed to be at this stage, or should we be further ahead? If we’re an as-yet imperfect form of God-child, in Dad’s image, what will be when we grow up?

Answer #1

I believe in science.

Answer #2

No prob with that - Mendel the geneticist was a scientific priest, and quite a few medics from mediaeval times onward were too. Our oldest European universities started as religious schools for teaching pastors, but the natural philosophers like Newton initiated the teaching of scientific disciplines which grew within those universities - and continue today. In that sense, we have religion to thank for introducing the wider world to scientific rigor. Many Shia prophets like Avicenna were medics and scientists, on the basis that they were gifted by God - but this is part of the basis for Sunni-Shia friction, as the Sunni only recognise one Prophet. Check out Constantine Africanus, who got an Italian monastery to act as a copy shop for his translations of Islamic medical texts into Latin - they revolutionised European medicine from the 11th century on. The abbot was made Pope Victor III. Religion and science have closer roots than you might think :)

Answer #3

i think there would be a battle

Answer #4

Even now more scientists believe in God than people seem to think.

Answer #5

I am fully aware of everything that you just said. The existence of a higher power is so unlikely it isn’t logical to believe it. So I don’t. Yeah, some scientists believe in a God… But some people believe in a giant flying spaghetti monster that lives in the sky, too.

Answer #6

Oh gosh… i dont think there are actually people who belive in a speghetti monster. If the thought of God was sooooo unlogical then there wouldnt be billions of people who believe. And scientists. Thats really ignorant to say. You can have your opinion but just so ya know people like you are the ones who make all athiest look like @ssholes and idiots. Thankfully im better informed to know better. Its like your a little anti christ waiting to jump out and attack God. Even when people are being nice to you and makin LOGICAL sense you still come off as ignorant and rude.

Answer #7

I just looked up “flying speghetti monster” and im suprised that its an actual thing. Im sorry but this is just a mockery to God. The only reason it was invented was because someone got mad about teaching intelligent design in school. And figured since they can teach that, they can teach about the FSM. A made up ficitonal character. Its a mock religion. Nothin more than that

Answer #8

*illogical……. I’m not atheist. I’m independant. And I’m not being an @sshole or an idiot… I’m stating my opinion, exercising my American right to freedom of speech just like you. I’m not a “little antichrist waiting to jump out and attack God.” I simply answer questions on FunAdvice when I see one that I would like to voice my opinion on. If you don’t like that, maybe you should just discontinue logging on. Who here is making logical sense? As for using the fact that there are billions of people who believe as a defense for your religion, check this out…. http://funadvice.com/r/15sfdl7pma9 The religion of the giant flying spaghetti monster, Pastafarianism, is a real religion. They have churches, bibles, etc. You can’t go around hating on religions while you are calling me an antichrist unless you really want to be considered a hypocrite. http://funadvice.com/r/3jsbfsdh9l

Answer #9

You can go off that… But do a little more research and you will see why it was even invented.

Answer #10

Your disrespectful…bottom line. How old are you?? seriously grow up and learn manners. Sound like a little brat

Answer #11

All that other crap you posted is nothin but well…. crap… Tell me why the most smartest people ever believed in a higher power. Like Albert Einstein. Plenty more. So you tell me that he was thinkin illlogically, excuse me

Answer #12

http://funadvice.com/r/15sfelck5f0 what does it say the kind of religion it is? a parody religion Now look that up and see what it means http://funadvice.com/r/bqsqilua3ip educate yourself

Answer #13

Wikipedia?… Really?… Your “research” and “evidence” doesn’t even dignify a response. I’m haven’t been disrespectful until now. If you think I have been, quote me, I’m sure you misunderstood. What exactly did I post that was “crap”? Yes, many educated people did and still do believe in a higher power. You used Albert Einstein as an example. Though Einstein never took an IQ test, his IQ was estimated to be between 160 and 180. Mine is 187. Albert Einstein was clinically insane. I’m not. If you want to know my age, look at my profile. And again, Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source so your final comment does not dignify a response. Notice atheism is on that list of “parody religions” as is agnosticism.

Answer #14

U think ur smarter than albert einstein? Hahaha everyone knows the fsm isnt a real religion. Plz get over urself

Answer #15

Do you want me to take a picture of my IQ results? There are many people more intelligent than Einstein… Do your research. I think you’re the one that needs to get over yourself… Read your comments. Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210 Bouncer Christopher Michael Langan has a verified IQ of 195 Engineer Philip Emeagwali is alleged to have an IQ of 190 World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190 Author Marilyn Vos Savant has a verified IQ of 186 Actor James Woods is alleged to have an IQ of 180 Politician John H. Sununu is alleged to have an IQ of 180 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is alleged to have an IQ of 180 from http://funadvice.com/r/bqt10linkn0

Answer #16

The fact that some online test told you that your IQ is higher than Einstein does not make you more intelligent than him. Also, many incredibly intelligent people suffer from mental illness, and that doesnt make you better than them. When you come up with a theory that completely alters a field of study, then maybe you can start competing with somebody like Einstein. By the way, the fact that you started this off with the comment that you believe in science, and are now belittling the “father of modern physics” is quite hilarious.

Answer #17


Answer #18

Not an online test smartie… A legit clinical test. I’m not belittling anyone, Danielle. But social science was not Einstein’s area of expertise, neither was religion. Sooooooooo…. Irrelevant. I never said it made me better than anyone that I do not have any medical illnesses. I’m just stating that it makes me more chemically stable.

Answer #19


Answer #20

Ha, go ahead, argue with me. I’ll counter you yet again.

Answer #21

Ur not coutering anybody lol. Thats whats so funny. So grown arent ya ;)

Answer #22

How is that not countering? You say something, I defend myself… That’s me countering your statements. Don’t be dumb.

Answer #23

haha see funny :)

Answer #24

Ur defense is ignorance. Not a defense at all. thats why its funny. I am so wasting my time. Its like arguing with a brick wall. You would argue with a sign. Your right. Im sorry. Your all right. Have a good one :)

Answer #25

How is my defense ignorance? I fail to see what you see. My defense is, in fact, a defense. You’re just not behaving intelligently enough to realize that. You’re blinded by your “faith” in your little cult.

Answer #26

No i understand why people dont believe in God. My eyes are open little girl. Yours are the ones who are shut to only your way or its illogical. When the fact is its not illogical. It makes perfect sense to even scientists. Even the smartests logical people on earth. Your defense is that it is illogical and unreasonable, clearly states how ignorant you are to this subject.

Answer #27

So please just …. ur right… its illogical.. no way does it make sense. You won… goodbye

Answer #28

It really is illogical if you think about it in more than your own way. You can’t say that I haven’t; I grew up as a christian and of my own volition researched and asked questions. I don’t think I’m the ignorant one in this conversation, quite frankly. Show me some facts, some hard evidence.

Answer #29

Nah . haha…me and u are to different. Proof for me is not enough for u. I no better. I said good day sir :) haha

Answer #30

Try me. Or are you scared that I’ll prove you wrong and you’ll have nothing to base everything you’re saying on? I’m not a sir…

Answer #31

lol no ur just a waste of time.

Answer #32

Tori, some people just get tired of arguing when they see that there is no point in it. And I agree with Pistol Angel in that you’re gonna believe what you believe and she will too regardless of “proof” being brought to the table. I’ve had many debates with atheists/agnostics/etc (I’m a christian as well) and every point I they brought up, I countered, and they counter my counter and it goes back and forth…. ex, big bang or creation. Was it by chance or God’s will. One says one and the other says the other. The point is, christians stem most of their beliefs on faith (“We walk by faith, not by sight”). Faith isn’t something that can be scientifically measured, proven, or documented. But to a Christian it is everything. I’d love to talk more about this if you’re interested or have any questions (I love theological debates, and as I say, there’s an answer to everything all I have to do is find it).

Answer #33

Tori, some people just get tired of arguing when they see that there is no point in it. And I agree with Pistol Angel in that you’re gonna believe what you believe and she will too regardless of “proof” being brought to the table. I’ve had many debates with atheists/agnostics/etc (I’m a christian as well) and every point I they brought up, I countered, and they counter my counter and it goes back and forth…. ex, big bang or creation. Was it by chance or God’s will. One says one and the other says the other. The point is, christians stem most of their beliefs on faith (“We walk by faith, not by sight”). Faith isn’t something that can be scientifically measured, proven, or documented. But to a Christian it is everything. I’d love to talk more about this if you’re interested or have any questions (I love theological debates, and as I say, there’s an answer to everything all I have to do is find it).

Answer #34

Always is cause it’s one area where people’s opinions can flourish.

Answer #35

I’d love to talk to someone level headed and intelligent about this… Haha

Answer #36

So anyone who disagrees with you is unintelligent? I wonder how I managed to get a Master of Science degree with so little intelligence. Hope my PhD supervisor doesnt discover how stupid I am…

Answer #37

Wasn’t talking about you, Danielle. Ha I don’t even know you. And I didn’t say that’s why i would consider somebody unintelligent..

Answer #38

You dont know me either. And all i was doing is disagreeing with you.. adn yet im not intelligent. You cant even say i am un intelligent. All i am pointing out is that even though you dont believe doesnt make the whole idea of a higher power illogical. Your the one who doesnt have a level head. I understand why people dont believe in God. I am informed of both sides and understand both. Basically to say that its so unlikely that its not logical… is b.s. It can make perfect since..if you are well informed on the subject.

Answer #39

If you don’t want to be called unintelligent don’t act like it. Ha. And no, it really isn’t logical when you have ALL the facts rather than picking and choosing which ones you like.

Answer #40

I didnt act like it at all actually. Its nothin like what you said. If there were all the facts proving God to be illogical than the world would know. but somehow your the only one who thinks so. Who is the one picking and chosing anything? Now your just being stubborn. Its really no point with you.

Answer #41

Tori thanks for the compliment and I’ll look forward to our discussions. However, let me just state that neither Tori nor Pistol Angel are unintelligent by any means. Both have stated valuable defenses but I think the conversation has branched from the topic to something else.

Answer #42

Tori, thanks for the compliment and I look forward to our future discussions. Although I do want to state that neither one of y’all are any bit unintelligent and that y’all’s discussion has branched too far out from the original topic.

Answer #43

yes i agree :)

Answer #44

thats intense. did u have an empifany?

Answer #45

Well spotted :) I get them regularly tbh, but I think that comes of 40y observing and thinking deeply about what I see, read and hear. Input piles of data into an analyst and epiphanies seem rather inevitable. More intriguingly, I’ve given a lot of thought to how people would have responded to such an odd talent in ancient and mediaeval times. If people like me arise as a small % of today’s population, then presumably that % has been fairly constant over time - it’s just the type and level of available input that changes. I was employed as a sort of corporate visionary, so if someone like me was born say 2,000 years ago or more, they’d presumably have become a seer or tribal/royal adviser, etc. Makes you think a lot about how things have come to be what they are today. Visionaries and analysts are numerous in finance and IT, for instance, yet religious visionaries are now rare. Interesting. Warren Buffet may be called the sage of Omaha rather than a prophet, but prophecy is his business, in effect - and there are others like him in many other professions. Curious.

I asked a creative writing class whether anyone had more than one inner reading voice. The proportion who actually did was higher than I’ve found in random strangers. The intriguing question then is: ‘in pre-literate times - before there was anything to read - what did each individual make of the voice in their head? Did they realise it was a normal feature of being human or did they think it was someone else speaking? If they were one of the rarer people who had two or three inner reading voices in their head (or none), did they assume that everyone else was the same or did they keep it quiet because they’d seen someone else being trephined (google) for being possessed, or were they raised as someone rather special?’

Answer? All these are plausible, and probability theory would suggest that all are likely to have occurred in different places at different times. There’d be no record from pre-literate times, and why would anyone mention it if it was taken to be entirely normal…

Of course, if dogs dream, and self-evidently see and hear things in their dreams, then they must have an inner barking voice. That would make me inclined to think that they have a spirit voice in much the same way that we do - and other mammals also dream. We may have more choice over our thoughts and actions, but I’m not so sure we’re as different as we like to think we are. Makes you feel like Neo in The Matrix, when Morbius asks him if he wants to find out how deep the rabbit hole really goes! Cool eh?

Answer #46

It took me a long time to realise that opinion, knowledge and understanding are all quite different things. The chilling thing was reading Plato on the subject in my 50’s. He was going through the same realisation 2,400 years ago, yet we still tend to think that opinion is much the same as fact. Small wonder we still have fights today about things that aren’t necessarily true.

Answer #47

Two seperate entities can never truly become ‘one’.

Answer #48

Indeed, and the metaphysical issue vexed the Councils of the early Church no end - but eventually they agreed that three could truly be one. Mormons and so on continue to disagree of course, as did Muhammed (pbuh) (Holy Koran 18:4-6). Jews also regard JC as a prophet and therefore a separate entity. Some Hindus regard Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as one monotheist entity, some see them as distinct, some see them as more fluid (according to circumstances).

A lichen is an entity comprised (interdependently) of a fungus and an alga. It behaves as ‘one’ however and was regarded as such up to 1867.

As a teen, I was taught that a hydrogen atom was actually two separate entities (proton + electron) that perform as one. Today, a proton is composed of three quarks, so a hydrogen atom now has four entities, but even this is simplistic.

The number of separate entities in a human body is therefore astronomical, even without wondering whether a cell is one entity or a composite of many separate ones.

Einstein theorised that matter and energy are in fact ‘one’.

Semantics and pedantry aside, your point is fundamental, but in practice it seems to depend upon which lens we choose to view the universe - and in which time period of human history such observations are made. The bottom line appears to be that if nuclear entities did not truly behave as ‘one’, then we and the universe (as we currently perceive it) would cease to exist.

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