Dreams of him cheating

Ok well lately I’ve been havin these really bad dreams about my boyfriend cheatin on me last nite I had one that he was havin sexual relations wit some other chcik and its da same girl in every dream and I don’t even know her!lol sounds crazy huh but what does it mean I’m I havin dayshaboo(its not spelled rite) but please help me out!

Answer #1

I have the same kind of dreams.. It is what bastrdassinjun said that is your biggest fear and you mind it turning into bad dreams. that is all our dreams are, they are fears, memories, fantisies and other things like that.. trust me dont believe your dreams, but tell him about them so he nows that your haveing dreams like that… It really will help…

Answer #2

I think it’s just one of your biggest fears in your subconcious. I wouldn’t worry too much about it but you should still tell your boyfriend that it’s bothering you so he can comfort you some.

Answer #3

actually both of you spelled it wrong, it’s deja vu… :)

but yeah, like he^^ said, in the dream books, it usually means opposite of what your dream is telling you.

Answer #4

haha dejavew :P but go to a dream analogy website and type in the key things you remember like cheating, the objects you remember seeing, they usually mean something completely different then what your worried about :) and on top of it all you will learn something more about how you think about things you never knew before :), hope it helped! ciao!

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