
I haven’t always had acne, in fact my face has always been pretty clear until this year :( I have sensitive/dry skin, and I’ve seriously tried everyyything there is to try and get my face back to the way it should be. I wash it 2 or 3 times a day with aveeno face wash, but that isnt working and neither is nutrogena. I started using a cetaphil bar today but I have a feeling that isn’t going to work either =/ Any suggestions??

Answer #1

ProActive it works, they sell it in most malls

Answer #2

I don’t have acne but every now and then I have brea outs if you thinks its that serious go to a gp and they will refer you to a dermatolegists. but I use clearesil pimple removal when breakouts appear and it works for me. good luck

Answer #3

u know that the best thing to do about acne is to go to your family docter right? I had acne too and still do but im a lot better off now than I was becuase I got medicne percribed just for my own needs so you can do the same thing

Answer #4

I say keep on trying. I’m sure you are a wonderful looking girl. Just keep trying new things and you are sure to come up with something great! Good luck sugar plumb!

Answer #5

I agree with riann I used proactive and I’ve had remarkable results so try proactive good luck

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