
I am wondering what is everyon elses look on on it.I am neither aginst nor for it I am just worried about the child.

Answer #1

You are completely wrong, you do realize that right?

The man does NOT havfe the right to decide whether the woman get’s an abortion or not. It IS HER body, not yours. Yes, your sperm was needed to fertilize the egg, but that does not mean that you can FORCE her to carry a fetus that she does not want.

Why do you think it IS NOT Neccasary for the man so sign an agreement to an abortion? Oh wait, because he has no say so in the matter. Period.

Yes, it took the man’s sperm to create the fetus, but ultimatly it IS IN the woman’s body and a part of that woman. She has the right to decide what to do with it, and I feel if she doesn’t believe she is ready, she has the right to terminate the pregnancy.

You are completely ignoring any of my responses to you though, ignoring all the points I make, so obviously you have nothing good to say.

The fetus doesn’t get a “decision”, it is not a baby yet, it knows nothing of life, knows nothing of the world, it couldn’t make a decision yet, as it’s brain is not fully developed in the first place.

Answer #2

Adoption is not always the best choice for the mother or the child though. Are you reading what I’m saying seriously.

Think about the drug addicts - just because they are pregnant does NOT mean they are going to quit doing drugs. Yes they might give the baby up for adoption, but there a 99% chance that the child will be born with defomities, have a serious illness, or die eventually anyway from the mothers drug use for 9 months. Abortion is the best option here.

Think about the 11-12 year olds - their bodies are not even fully developed especially around their hips, having a baby could seriously damage their bodies and cause so many problems. Is it there fault that their parents didn’t teach them about sex education soon enough - no. A 11-12 year old can not handle a pregnancy neither physically or mentally. The damage that would be done to the child would not be worth it. Abortion would be the best option here.

Think about the teenagers. The one’s who SHOULD give the baby up for adoption because they can’t raise a child. Yet after carrying it for 9 months the grow attacthed to it. They change their minds and refuse to give the baby away. They end up struggling and the baby has no food and the mother resents it and physically or verbally abuses the child

Personally as a Man, I think you should have no choice in this situation. You have no clue what it’s like to have to carry a child that you don’t you want. You have no clue of the mental anguish and psysical pain and pregnancy and child birth takes. You aren’t the one who would get your rights taken away if abortion would be made legal. Did you know that 79% of men are the one’s against abortion, while only 30% of women are against it. Funny huh? A man who will never be pregnant to me, has no say so in this. It is our bodies, it’s a fetus that could not survive without living off of our bodies, therefore it makes it a part of us.

Answer #3

Human life doesn’t begin, in my humble opinion, until the egg and sperm are combined and the egg is attached to the wall. But at that point it is HUMAN life. All the 4,999,999 sperm who did not “mate” with an egg, and all the eggs that did not “mate” with the sperm are not human life and die away. They are “life”, but not human. That one egg and sperm who are attached to the wall are potential human life. It may die for a number of reasons, just as I might have suffered from some disease immediately after birth and died. But I was human life..

mandyloo. If the mother is raped, if she is at a risk of dying die to the pregnancy, if the child is anencephalic or for some other reason is not viable, the fetus can be aborted. But just because she doesn’t want the baby at that point in time - no. That is when adoption comes into play.

Answer #4


Not everyone that get’s an abortion has been living carelessly. What about rape victims? What about young girls who have not been taught sex by their parents or had proper sex education and had no clue what the consequences are? What about people who were using condoms and the condom broke, ripped, etc.? What about people that were on birth control and it didn’t work? No birth control method is completely effective.

“Plus people who are careless out there and just abort there unborn child as if its a normal thing when there are people out there who cant have children”

Yes there are people who can’t have their own children. That doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions because of them. You dont know every woman’s circumstance that recieves an abortion. How can you judge them without even knowing the story. Adoption sounds like an ideal solution, but that’s not always the case. What if the mother is terribly sick from the pregnancy and has a risk of dying? What if they KNOW the fetus is going to die shortly after being born, why make a mother have to carry a baby for 9 months that she knows she is going to have to bury within a month? What about the drug addicts. You want them to carry a baby full term all the while using drugs and causing the child to be sick or deformed. Have you looked at the number or homeless children and the number of children in foster care. It’s insane. They dont get the love they need, and yet you want more of them to out in the world.

Answer #5

“And all the eggs and sperm are not human life.”

But they have the chance to be right? That’s why I said that. They are saying well the fetus had a chance to be a baby. Well same thing with the sperm and the eggs, they had a chance to a baby also.

“Once the fertilized egg attaches to the wall, it is human life. And in the last three months of pregnancy you do see some states prosecuting individuals for 2 murders if they kill a pregnant mother and fetus”

When it attatches itself, it becomes a fetus. After the fetus is born it becomes a baby. Look up the defintions, you will see. Also, that is only in SOME states and I’m sure not many. Your also talking about the last 2-3 months of a pregnancy. Abortions are typically not done that late in the pregnancy in the first place, so that point is invalid.

“And to the argument that a fetus can’t survive outside the womb. Well a baby can’t survive without care for many years. It has to be fed, clothed, taught not to step into the street in front of a moving car. But that’s me “

You can NOT use those to as examples like that. I fetus could not survive even if you did feed it, take care of it, etc. It would die if taken out of the womb to early. If brought into the world too soon, it doesn’t have it’s natural instincts to survive either, such as the “rooting” refex.

Answer #6

I’m prochoice, it’s IS NOT murder. It’s a fetus, not a baby. It’s not a baby until it’s born. Simple definitions.

I refuse to make crack wh*res carry babies who they wont take care of, women who will use drugs while pregnant, women who will either abandon the baby, or leave it on the streets to be sold into prostitution or get into drugs itself.

I refuse to make rape victims carry that b*stards baby 9 months and live with that every day of their lives.

I refuse to make women who dont want the baby, have it, resent it and treat it like crap and beat it and verbally abuse the child because they hate it and resent them.

I refuse to make women have sickely babies, that would die in the next few months after birth anyways. I refuse to make a mother go through having to bury her 2 month old when she knew it was going to die from the start!

I refuse to make women go back to back alley abortions, drinking bleach, using coat hangers, falling down stairs on purpose. All of these just end up killing the mother and fetus, or leaving the fetus with illnesses or deformaties.

I’m pro-choice for a reason. Keep your rosaries off my ovaries.

Answer #7

Well I believe life begins at conception. And all the eggs and sperm are not human life. Once the fertilized egg attaches to the wall, it is human life. And in the last three months of pregnancy you do see some states prosecuting individuals for 2 murders if they kill a pregnant mother and fetus.

One that comes to mind of recent notiriety, is Scott Peterson who was charged with double homicide over the death of his pregnant wife, Lacy and their unborn child.

And to the argument that a fetus can’t survive outside the womb. Well a baby can’t survive without care for many years. It has to be fed, clothed, taught not to step into the street in front of a moving car. But that’s me

Answer #8


“Really do you think your right?because your not. “ Actually I am, I’m stating simple statistic and information that is correct. Whether you agree with it from a moral standpoint does not matter.

“Okay you have a kid right?& you love him right?looking back would you ever abort YOUR child.something thats YOURS “

Yes, I have a son. If he would have been product of a rape, I would have aborted. If I could not financially supported him, I would have aborted. If I was 15 years old and not ready for a child, I would have aborted. It DOES NOT change my opinion on my child. That’s the same as saying, every egg that you have in your ovaries deserves a chance because it COULD BE a child in the future. That’s the same as saying that every sperm that a man has should be saved, because it COULD BE a child. In your point of view, your saying that Masterbation is MURDER! Wow.

“A fetus is a baby” Again definations prove you wrong. A fetus = before birth. A baby = after birth.

The chance to live huh? Haha wow, tell all those men to stop masterbating! Those sperm should have had a chance to live!

Answer #9


Rape victims didn’t take any risk? Do you seriously know the damage that a rape does to someone emotionally to begin with. Now go ahead and say they are pregnant, and you are forcing them to have that child. You just ruined that person’s life. They are likely to kill themselves anyways.

It’s not a baby yet, it’s a fetus. Yes it would become a baby, but it hasn’t gottten that far, so that point is irrelevant.

It would be an ideal world if everyone would have safe sex, but that’s not the way it is. Also, even people are are careful sometimes, still get pregnant. Condoms break, Birth Control doesn’t always work, etc.

Have you looked at the number or homeless children, or the number of children in foster care with NO PARENTS! Why make that number rise when it’s unneeded. Why make children come into this world, without love, without parents, and doomed from the beginning. Seriously.

Answer #10

I have 3 children and while I am grateful for having them and wouldn’t trade them for anything I am still pro-choice.

A woman has the right to choose what is done to her body…in the case of rape she did not choose for that to happen to her so why should she be forced to carry a rapist’s baby?

When a pregnant woman is murdered the murderer can only be convicted of one count of murder unless the baby took a breath outside of the womb…did you ever wonder why? It’s because the baby is still a fetus and technically not yet a living breathing person.

Women that use abortion as birth control obviously have a problem but for those women and young teenage girls that have no way of supporting a baby…they need to do what is best for them.

Answer #11

Omgg Mandyloo

I swear you get on my nerves Really do you think your right?because your not. Okay you have a kid right?& you love him right?looking back would you ever abort YOUR child.something thats YOURS A fetus is a baby & it has the right to live.regaurdless of whats gunna happen it should be given the chance to live.

Answer #12

I’m not putting words in your mouth, ;your words “:if I got pregnant with a child I didn’t want, no MAN is going to FORCE me to carry it for 9 months, period. “ Birth Control.

I believe also there are good reasons for abortions. Birth Control is not one of them.

Answer #13

Personally, I think it’s a choice. It’s up to the woman whether or not to keep the baby. Whether people think it’s wrong or not is their personal opinions.

Answer #14

I love the people on this site that rate everything a “no” because they are mad at you.

Just because you don’t agree with it, does not mean that it wasn’t right. Ya’ll crack me up.

Answer #15

I don’t think anyone is ever really ‘pro-abortion’ per se, as it’d be a pretty traumatic experience, and is never an easy decision. However, I do believe it’s a woman’s right to choose, and no-one should take that away from her.

Answer #16

“Abortion Is Murder PERIOD”

False. You fail.

Seriously, it’s not murder. Abortion terminates a pregnancy and a fetus. Not a baby. Look up the definitions of a baby and a fetus my dear. Two different things. A fetus knows nothing of life, end of story. If it was murder, you would be tried for murder for recieving an abortion. Do you see that happening, no you dont.

Answer #17

Really do you think your right?because your not.

Actually… SHE IS right. And it would make more sense to YOU, if you actually KNEW the definition of MURDER.

Answer #18

an abortion is killing someone who has no way to defend themself. that’s pretty low. even if it is just a fetus, it’s still alive and will become a baby. Abortions are wrong, if someone doesn’t want to have a baby, they shouldn’t take any risks.

Answer #19

That is not using it for birth control. I was talking about a hypothetical situation there, and you have no clue what the circumstances would have been behind that abortion or the pregnancy.

I got pregnant while on birth control. We WERE using protection, yet it didn’t work and I still got pregnant. At that point in my life, I decided to keep it, because I knew that we could handle having a baby, both mentally and financially. It I HAD decided to terminate the pregnancy, it would not have been because I was using abortion as birth control. I WAS ON birth control to begin with.

Answer #20

I don’t want that to happen again, either I just believe as 18 of our States believe in their fetal homicide laws that human life begins at conception. So yes the fetus is the one that has the most at stake in your decision to not be inconvenienced for 9 months.

Abortion is not an acceptable method of birth control. It should only be used in extreme situations, not for convenience.

“Actually… SHE IS right. And it would make more sense to YOU, if you actually KNEW the definition of MURDER.”

Please refer to the above.

Answer #21

And I believe that is one of the points mandyloo, why doesn’t the father have a say. And frankly the one with the biggest stake in “your” decision is the fetus. He/she has the most to gain or loose. It takes two people to conceive, and I do believe both should have a say in what occurs to that fetus.

It comes down to definitions. You have stated you don’t believe it is not a human life until birth. Even the law believes it is when it is viable outside the womb. Others of us believe it is when the child is conceived.

Answer #22

It is your egg - it is my sperm. You have no more right over the fetus than do I. But is is not your sole choice, any more than it is mine. It belongs to us both.

At the time of conception, It is both our decisions’. Not yours or mine.

The law which prosecutes those who kill in the 3rd trimester is the law. It is not my belief. Human life begins at the time of conception, in my humble belief.

Answer #23

Mandyloo, if a woman is in her 3rd trimester, there are charges that WILL be filed for double homicide if both the mother and fetus are killed.

And your sexist attitude that the man has no right to decide what happens to the child that both conceived is despicable. and as iron age as that that the a woman has no rights. Get into the 20th century. Some of the rest of us have moved into the 21st.

Answer #24

The fetus doesn’t get a “decision”, it is not a baby yet, it knows nothing of life, knows nothing of the world, it couldn’t make a decision yet, as it’s brain is not fully developed in the first place.

This is the age old question…and has yet to be decided…when does a baby have a soul? It seems to me, that law enforcement has NO problem charging someone with a double homicide if they kill a mother carrying an unborn fetus…How can that be???


Answer #25

That is so sexist it is unreasonable. Two of us have conceived a child. And because you are the incubator, you have the sole decision of what happens to the fetus. No thank you!! It was my sperm which impregnated your egg. It is a 50-50 proposition. I have just as much say over what happens to the embryo as do you.

It is human life, and I have a say over what happens to it. Legal abortion or not.

Answer #26

Mandyloo, it is such an unreasonable argument that because a woman has an egg and a man has a sperm and the two become a viable embryo, that the man has no say in the process because it is the woman’s body.

It\’s an egg and a sperm. What the hell gives one more precedence over the other?

And I’m sorry, it is at that point that HUMAN LIFE begins. Bottom line, end of story.

Answer #27

Mandyloo as a woman, you can//t make an informed decision of what happens with the child that you and I conceived. You are saying that because you are the incubator, that only you have a right to decide what happens to the fetus. Well, No thank you. I also have a right to make a decision of what happens to the fetus that BOTH of us conceived.

We are both the parents at that point, not just you. It’s not just about “your” body…

It;s about “our:” child, and “OUR” decision of what happens to him. AND it’s about the fetus decision , who gave “it” a vote?

Answer #28

For myself, I could not abort a child…however, I don’t feel comfortable making that choice for others.

In my first two years at college, I was the support system to two friends, in “back-alley” abortions…one in Portland, Or. and one in Vancouver, BC…Having witnessed the “illegal route”, I can’t fathom going back to that. It was later that year, that Roe vs. Wade changed the law.

Women will have abortions, whether they are legal or not…For those who choose to have one, I’d rather have them safe.


Answer #29

“And to the argument that a fetus can’t survive outside the womb. Well a baby can’t survive without care for many years. It has to be fed, clothed, taught not to step into the street in front of a moving car. But that’s me”

yes, that is true, but it doesnt need it’s mother to do all those things… anyone can do it… once it is no longer needs its mother to survive, once it is no longer surviving off its mother, then it is it’s own person…

Answer #30

once the baby is born the point is moot… and that’s the point mandy is making… until it’s born, it cannot survive on its own, making it part of the mother… making it the mother’s choice… once it is born (or really at any point it can survive without the mother) then yes you’re killing a person, until then it isnt a person… do you also object to birth control? because then you’re killing the potential of a child…? and that’s all it is, a potential of a child… if you dont want to have abortions, then by all means… but that doesnt give any one the right to choose for someone else…

Answer #31

it depends on if you think life begins at birth or if life begins at conception. normally, if people think life begins at birth, they will be pro-choice, and normally if people think that life begins at conception, they will be pro-life. I’m not going to state my point of view, but here’s some facts…

ONLY 1% of abortions happen due to rape/incest ONLY 6% of abortions happen due to health problems regarding the baby or the mom and the 93% that’s left over are because the mother does not want the kid.

Answer #32

hmm…well, I look at it from the science point of view. its not a person yet. it cant talk think love it doesnt even know it exists yet. so if the mother cant support it, if its not wanted, if its a product of rape or incest, or if its putting the mother in harms way then I dont have an issue with it. the soul that was supposed to be a person will just go back to wherever it came from and wait for another chance. there are more than 3 million homeless, abused, and abandoned children just in the US. why would someone outlaw something that tecnically saves the child from a life of grief and despair? by no means do I condone to use abortion lightly, but if its needed, then its needed and I dont think anyone should make that choice for someone.

Answer #33

It begins as an embryo, then develops into a fetus then develops into a baby.

Answer #34

I think it’s horrible.

Answer #35

Abortion Is Murder PERIOD

Answer #36

Yes its more of a personal choice, Personally I am against it. I didn’t even know what it was till last week…

Answer #37

Irenemarie you’re what 12? You sure do act like it. I agree with Mandyloo.

Answer #38

I agree with mandyloo!

Answer #39

I believe that abortion is murder! Just because it’s a tiny infant, that doesn’t mean it’s not a person! It’s taking a life!

Answer #40

abortion is a horrible thing. It is murder!!

Answer #41

im cool with it

Answer #42

I am against it

If people are behaving carelessly this is the result… Every1 knows that!

Plus people who are careless out there and just abort there unborn child as if its a normal thing when there are people out there who cant have children, If people are careless then they should at least give birth to the child and have the child adoptted

Peace Out xx

Answer #43

I never said that I want it to be used as a form of birth control, your putting words in my mouth.

I just dont think that it should be illegal, and I believe there are very good reason’s for getting an abortion.

You said it yourself, you dont want that to happen again. If you outlaw abortions, and only allow it in extreme situations, you end up repeating the past. Why do you want that to happen?

Answer #44

Abortion: termination of pregnancy - taking an unborn’s life.

Answer #45

Absolutely correct ty, it doesn’t have to be the mother.

Answer #46

“This is the age old question…and has yet to be decided…when does a baby have a soul? It seems to me, that law enforcement has NO problem charging someone with a double homicide if they kill a mother carrying an unborn fetus…How can that be”

Show me the link and laws that say that, it is NOT true. You are NOT tried for double murder if the woman is pregnant, especially not if the is early on in the pregnancy.

“It\’s an egg and a sperm. What the hell gives one more precedence over the other?”

Because I dont see the MAN giving up 9 months of his life for something that he DOES NOT want. Because I dont see the MAN being given rights in abortions. Because I dont see a MAN being given rights over the child in 90 percent of the cases. Seriously now, if you were right, aboriton would need a MANS approval, but it DOES NOT. So explain that one.

Answer #47

My “sexist attitude” as you call it is just how it is. Nothing I stated was false. It’s just the truth. The man does not have a right to stop the woman from getting an abortion, Why do you think that Men don’t need to sign a paper in order for the woman to terminate a pregnancy? You have yet to explain that one.

Also, yes, they will be tried if she is in her third trimester. I stated that they are NOt tried for murder in the early months. Abortions are only done in the 3rd trimester if there is a risk of the mother dying. Abortions are NOT done in the 3rd trimester under normal circumstances, so what would it matter that a person is tried for double murder in the 3rd trimester and not the first two. You are just proving my point that it is not a baby yet, it’s a fetus.

Answer #48

Well just because they are your beliefs, does not make them fact. Just ask people’s religious beliefs - are not fact. They are beliefs, that doe snot make them right.

You are still avoiding half of what I post. It’s almost humurous that you come back with the same thing every reply.

I could say that I believe in santa clause - that does not make him real or a fact now does it.

The law does not prosecute until the 3rd trimester and abortions are not done after the 3rd trimester, for a reason.

“You have no more right over the fetus than do I.”

How is that true? Yes, I needed the sperm to create the fetus, but I would be the one carrying the fetus, nourishing it, taking care of it, and giving birth to it. That fetus could not live without the mother, you could not take care of it, it’s a part of her. Not you. If the father as just as much rights over it, then why don’t you need the fathers permission to get an abortion? You keep ignoring that question. If you have just as much rights over the fetus, why is it so easy for a mother to get custody of a child, while the father barely get’s any rights.

When I see you carry a baby in your stomach for 9 months, I will let you do what you want with it, just as I would want the same thing for myself.

Answer #49

He doesn’t have the rights, because even if he DID want the child, he could not carry/nourish/give birth to the fetus. The woman is the only one who can do that. I can tell you right now, if I got pregnant with a child I didn’t want, no MAN is going to FORCE me to carry it for 9 months, period. You say the fetus has the most to gain or lose. That’s false. It doesn’t know anything of life, it’s never had a breath of air, and it doesn’t know of anything, except for the mother. Period. It has nothing to gain or to lose in that situation. It’s simply a fetus.

I am not pro-abortion, but I am pro-choice. In the days when abortions were illegal. Women still tried to have them, it didn’t change anything. It was just done by non-doctors in unclean rooms, the women and the fetus died. It was done by women drinking bleach, either they both died or the fetus was born with deformities or illnesses. It was done by coat hangers. Either the fetus died, or was born with deformities. How could ANY ONE want that to happen again?

Answer #50

We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Answer #51

I had an abortion when I was 19 after getting pregnant after a drunken 1 night stand where I didn’t even get the guy’s name or number. It was a very traumatic experience, and even now at 23 I sometimes regret my decision. But at the time I had no job, I had no idea where to find the father, and I was not mature enough to handle such a thing. Although I do feel guilty, I also think about how my life would have completely gone down-hill had I chosing to go ahead with the pregnancy. I made the right decision.

Answer #52

Personally I don’t care what the law says and I see no point in arguing. I am going to do what I want.

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