A view on Life? Religion or Not?

I’m a Christian, but only by choice. I don’t care about what other people would say about my religion.

However, I love Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, and some others, and Gandhi teachings. I have not read the entire Bible, but I know enough.

Would I be a Christian if I believed in…

  1. Reincarnation of Choice. (Think about it… If we asked God, would he let us come back in another form but no memory of it?)

  2. I believe that gay people have all the right to be married. I strongly disagree with extremist.

  3. I believe if all good ideas are taken from other religions to be happy based of other ideas? As long as if it within a good intentions and decisions.

Any thoughts?

Answer #1

Since you’re a Christian you should seek these answers in the Bible - they’re there.

Answer #2


If God commanded such an act to kill people HE CREATED by using other people he created, in a sense, he would be acting AGAINST his own commandment “Thou Shalt Not Kill”

Even though technically God wasn’t ‘killing’ them. He was USING his people to kill them, like pawns… The vision you give me about God has made my faith weaker in the Old Testament, and I would rather worship a God that doesn’t use his creations for evil intentions.

God is not a hypocrite. God does not use us for a wrong purpose. Sin is a creation of Man and God is Sinless, therefore using people to break his commandment is a Sin.

If God commanded me to kill someone that didn’t deserve it by perfect moral standards, and by Divine authority(Basically, if you know in your heart they don’t exactly deserve to be killed, and others felt the same way by the masses) I would reject that command. I would not kill a rapist, or a murdered, point taken, I would beat the crap out of them if I could or had the chance, but not kill them, NO ONE, not even God has the “true” right to tell another person to kill someone else, or to make the decision that they are allowed to kill someone.

People have used the Bible and rewritten it for years to manipulate the minds of other people into being closed minded and fearful of other people because they are different! The Bible, Quran, and ALL other sacred Tomes are just STORIES and paths to live a better life. We all have a choice to choose what we want to believe, I choose what I call “A Warriors Path” I will believe in God, the Christian God, and as Gandhi said “I like your Christian God, but not your Christians.” he said that because so many Christians are pushy and they try to manipulate people into thinking the way they do.

No person has the right to say “Believe this, or go to a fiery place under the ground where your flesh will burn for all eternity.” It’s wrong and conflictual to tell another person who is a good what they should and should not believe.

My path is by Honor, Loyalty, Clarity, Happiness, and Love. I will do nothing to manipulate someone elses beliefs, and never choose to do any wrong to anyone that doesn’t deserve it. I was raised in a Christian home, but free to choose any religion I wanted, I choose to listen to all religions and learn from them.

Closed minded people that have only one focus will never understand the world as a whole, and they will be left behind in the world spiritually.

Your god sounds Cruel to use his own people and to break his own laws. I will believe a god using people to KILL his own people is a fake god.

Good luck to you.

  • Gothik
Answer #3

I am sorry… but, open mindedness.. will lead you astray.

I read a post just awhile back, that said, and I quote, “ I have studied… too much… into other religions… and have now … lost my way. How can I find my way back to God?”

When Pandoras box was opened.. the evil could not be contained.

The bible teaches us to be very careful… what goes into our EYE GATES>..and OUR EAR GATES…

Why open your self up to things that are unprofitable… to begin with.

In every false thing.. there is enough truth… to hook you.

Be ware.

Satan comes in sheeps clothing.. to seek and devour.. whom he may.

Touch not, that unclean thing. Lest you be defiled by it, and ensnared in it.

IN the Old Testament God commanded his leaders to kill those of other religions.. lest they infect his people.

You may say… what a cruel God.. but, this shows you how important it is to him, that we are not misled. This is an extremely important subject to God. How you feel about it, is highly important as well.

Seek the One True and Living God… his way is right and true… and profitable.

Answer #4

I’am also a christian by choice, and am fasinated by the world studies of different religions such as the ones you mentioned.

  1. I belive that god chooses certian, willing people to come back as angles, but with memory. angles may not always be able to be seen, but are still affecting the way we live, such as spiders affect us .

2.I also belive that gay people should be able to be married, and I have read partts of the bible and I dont think it has any thing for gay marrige but also I dont think it has anything against it.

3.if all good I deas are taken from all religions, many are going to be alike but with different guide lines, yet leading to a crash of setting a precident. therefore I dont think that this plan would work as wish.

well there is a little bit of opion hope I helped!


Answer #5

Yes, you are still a Christian if you believe in those things. There are many faithful Christians who are also liberals and believe in homosexual rights. I think it enhances your life that you like and know so much about Western religions. You are obviously very opened minded which is always a really wonderful thing. Peace :)

Answer #6

“1. I belive that god chooses certian, willing people to come back as angles, but with memory. angles may not always be able to be seen, but are still affecting the way we live, such as spiders affect us .”

Definitely. I believe my grandfather came back as 39.5 degrees. At least, my grandmother said he was acute guy.

Answer #7

Since you’re a Christian you should seek these answers in the Bible - they’re there.

WRONG… as usual…

The bible says nothing about reincarnation, and definitely has no mention of ASKING God if you can be reincarnated. The bible also says nothing about homosexual marriage.

Answer #8

EDIT: I use the term “Christian” loosely.

Answer #9

Reading about your worldview brings to mind two faiths that have parallels.

The general view of Unitarian Universalists is that each individual should embark on their own search for truth. There is little in the way of core dogma here; just a framework where the individual can branch in whatever direction.

The Baha’I faith eaches that God sent various messengers at different times with lessons appropriate for that time and culture. Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Jesus and Mohammad were all messengers of God; each with their own message.

Answer #10

supposedly the only other life you will have would be the after life on judgment day you lay died in the ground until that day, that’s what it says in the bible.

people will say that the bible is against that, but it actually is not I’ve studied that passage & see that it punishes the guy for giving up his virgine daughters to be rapped by men in which he doesn’t know, later he is made drunk by his daughters when the village is destroyed by his daughters & impregnated them(kind of rapped by his own daughters)& had to re-live the horrific event over & over again while they gave birth.

some extremist my claim that you’re not, but hey, if you say you are you probably are. Just keep an open mind

Answer #11

There are thousands of Christian denominations. The differences are so stark between many of them, that it’s difficult to imagine they are all ‘Christian’. Yet, although each of these groups will claim they have some standard by which they can judge who is or isn’t a Christian, there really is no such standard save this; if you think you’re a Christian, then you’re a Christian.

Answer #12

The bible says, “If you love me, you will obey my commands.”

This is where the rubber meets the road, for believers.

We will be judged according to the written word of God.

The choice is up to us, who we will follow and obey.

Answer #13

gothik good for you to keep an open mind. Its good to see sodme open minded christian

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