A random survey

A random survey

  1. What are you thinking right now?
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be?
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it??
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do?
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be?
  6. What are you afraid of? And why?
  7. Are you cat or dog person? 8.do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do?
  9. What kind of fruit would you be?
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times?
  12. Do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes?
  13. Do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards?
  14. Would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week?
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? 18.for a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church?
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars?
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one?


Answer #1
  1. What are you thinking right now? PIE
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? Raviv Ullman!!!
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? Yea
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? Scream
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? Joe Jonas for ripping off Linkin Park
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? Jonas Brothers because their ugly and their horrible music scares me
  7. Are you cat or dog person? dog 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone no
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? Throw it
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? HUH?
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you Projekt Rev 2008! It was AWESOME!!!
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? No
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? No
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? No
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? Depends on whether the elevator had food or not
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? No 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? Depends on wether there were people in that church
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? Yeah
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? I dont care
Answer #2
  1. What are you thinking right now?- nothing
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be?- Edward Cullen!!!
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it??- yes
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do?- I would scream and go crazy
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be?- Kym Bachtell(my boyfriend mom)
  6. What are you afraid of? And why?- my boyfriend parents- theyre mean
  7. Are you cat or dog person?- dog 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone- yes
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? go smash it into kyms head
  9. What kind of fruit would you be?- strawberry
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you- my boyfriend!
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times?- once- out past curfew
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes?-
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards?- yea
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? locker
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? didnt notice 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church?- NO
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? NO
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? umm odd but ok
Answer #3
  1. What are you thinking right now? “mmm cake smells good, I wonder what tylers gona reply..?”
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? umm I don’t know, my soul mate?
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? YEP
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? scream, cry, then go have some fun? lol then figure out how guys think
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? Tailer, Mr. Shoelous, and a lot of other people
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? worms…I have no idea…I scream if they come near me…even caterpillars… O_O
  7. Are you cat or dog person? both 8.do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? yep
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? throw it through my neighbors window..I don’t like them
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? mango
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? too many
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? abt30? lol a lot only caught once
  12. Do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? yesh
  13. Do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? YEP
  14. Would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? LOCKER
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? no…checks owh! hey theres no 11 18.for a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? yep
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? no
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? make some more this was good, I just like surveys =P
Answer #4

A random survey

  1. What are you thinking right now? I HAVE A LOT OF STUFF TO DO… WHY AM I ON THE COMPUTER?

  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? JIM CARREY

  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? SURE

  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? SCREAM

  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? EH NO ONE

  6. What are you afraid of? And why? CHOKING (I DON’T KNOW) AND SPIDERS (THEY’RE CREEPY)

  7. Are you cat or dog person? DOG PERSON

8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone YEAH

  1. If you had a brick right now what would you do? PUT IT DOWN?

  2. What kind of fruit would you be? THE KIND THAT DON’T GET EATEN

  3. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you GRADUATING

  4. Did you ever break the law? How many times? YEAH A FEW TIMES

  5. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? YEAH. I LIKE COOKED ONES THOUGH

  6. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? YEAH I DON’T GET SICK

  7. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? I don’t know I’M CLAUSTROPHOBIC..

  8. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? HA HA I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE

18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? NO. I REALLY WOULDN’T BE THAT DISRESPECTFUL.

  1. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? SLEEP WITH MEANING…

  2. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? IT’S COOL =D xoxo

Answer #5
  1. What are you thinking right now? Green Day
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? Billie joe armstrong
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? Yup
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? Scream
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? This girl that I cant stand at my school.
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? I am afraid of bugs…I don’t know they’re creepy. xD
  7. Are you cat or dog person? Both 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone Sometimes
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? Throw it out of my window and see how far it would fly.
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? I would want to be an orange because they smell good. xD
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you When I got my laptop…or my ipod I don’t know…
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? Nope, not yet. xD
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? Ya, I love ketchup and it makes me hyper. O.o
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? No I dont like the rain.
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? The locker, deathly afraid of elevators.
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? Actually no I didnt catch on to that. 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? If it was empty…
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? Eww…umm no way..
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? This was very fun and yes I would enjoy doing another one. ^_^
Answer #6
  1. What are you thinking right now?: I’m thinking of going on a social site
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be?: Dont ask…
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it??: OMG YES!
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do?: Probably go crazy for a while…then go have some fun. lol
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be?: Hannah Montana, Some girls at school, some people on TV, etc
  6. What are you afraid of? And why?: I’m scared of life…dont ask why…
  7. Are you cat or dog person? DOGS FOREVER BABY! 8.do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone: Yes…sad but true//
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do?: threw it out the window and hope it hits a car or hobo
  9. What kind of fruit would you be?: a apple
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you: The day I got my dog…still yet to happen…
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times?: Yes! For smashing a boat when I was 7 or 8 years, for ding dong ditching a business, for ripping down a big company flag, and for making a big plastic doll and putting it out on the street like a dead body. Little Juvenile Delinquent I am. lol and I’m just 13 years.
  12. Do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes?: no
  13. Do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? Hell yes
  14. Would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? Stuck in a elevator
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? Oh wow now that you mention it yes! I didnt notice before,, 18.for a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church?: Yup yup!
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500? actually yes. The other day a Hobo slapped his @$$ and winked at me.
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one?: This was fun, you should make more
Answer #7
  1. What are you thinking right now? WHAT MY HUBBY DOING
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? SOULJA BOY
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? YES
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? I WOULD GO CRAZY
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? THIS GIRL NAME JAADA
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? AM AFRAID OF LOSING MY HUBBY because I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
  7. Are you cat or dog person? DOG PERSON 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone YEA
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? I WOULD GO TO JAADA HOUSE AND HIT HER WITH IT
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? STRAWBERRY
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you FALLING IN LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? NO
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? YEA
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? YEA
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? LOCKED UP IN A LOCKER
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? NO I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? YEA
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? NO
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? IT WAS FUN
Answer #8
  1. What are you thinking right now? *Potato chips
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? *Uhhh, Pink, I guess
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? *All the time
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? *See how I look…an how my penis looks
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? *Douche bags
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? *Of getting amniesa because I’m afraid of forgetting everything
  7. Are you cat or dog person? Cat cause thats the only real pet I had my whole life 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone Depends on my mood
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? *Name it
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? *A pomegrante
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you *I don’t remember
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? *Hmmm, Idunno
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? *Yupp, definately
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? *Yeahh, pretty much
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? *An elevator, it’ll be an odd story…as long as I get food somehow.
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? Now I’m wondering 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? Sadly, yeahh sorry God
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? *Uhh, no. They’re slightly dirty.
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? *It’s fun
Answer #9
  1. What are you thinking right now? My new hat x]
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? Gerard Way, or Johnny 3 Tears
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? Of Course
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? Oh wow. Too much things to list x]
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? My Mother [ I know it sounds horrible.. ]
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? Llamas, because I was chased by one as a child. D:
  7. Are you cat or dog person? None. 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Of course
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? Draw a smiley face on it
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? Uhm, one that everyone hated so I would live longer.
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? So Far? Either meeting Social Code, or getting my lip pierced
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? That’s confidential =]
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? Yes
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? Yes. Well, I like the rain. But in order to get sick, you need to be in contact with the virus.
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? In the locker for a night.
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? Not really, until now.. 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church?
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? No.
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? It was okay, I suppose, and maybe..
Answer #10
  1. What are you thinking right now? About what im going to do all day today.
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? I don’t know,
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? of Course
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? No Way
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? The ignorant people that talk loud and sstart drama for no reason
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? Loosing my family, wouldnt know wht to do without them
  7. Are you cat or dog person? person 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone . Yep
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? Set it aside
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? Strawberry
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? Started a career!
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? Yes, um maybe 10 times. (traffic stuff)
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? No.
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? Love the rain. harldy ever get sick =]
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? OMG. thats a hard one. I choose the lOcker. b/c theres breathing holes
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? Didnt notice lol 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? Depending what church it was. other then that I would do it.
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? No Way
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? Its alright.
Answer #11
  1. What are you thinking right now? why is this question being asked?

  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? Drake Bell

  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? not really, I dont like getting my pic taken in the first place.

  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? FREAK OUT

  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? Mr.Laucke

  6. What are you afraid of? And why? hmm…dogs…I’ve had really bad experiences with dogs throughout my life.

  7. Are you cat or dog person? CAT 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone ??

  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? put it down and keep typing

  9. What kind of fruit would you be? banana

  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? going to Honduras (12) or going to Disney world, florida (8)

  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? nope clear record

  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? ya

  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? totally

  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? elevator, im kinda clausterphobic

  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? didnt notice 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? no way

  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? no

  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? ummm it was okay

      Have a nice day=P
             qazwert out:)
Answer #12

A random survey

  1. What are you thinking right now? why do I like the one I do?
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? uh…Jigoro Kano
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? Always
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? find out what’s so great about having a p*nis
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? my friend eric =P
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? wasps, irrational
  7. Are you cat or dog person? dogs 8.do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? no, I don’t even have to be alone =P
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? nothing?
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? Cocoa Pod Fruit
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? I went to the DR on a school trip and sat with 11 other girls in the back of a pickup. that or making out in times square
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? j walking =P
  12. Do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? other way around
  13. Do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? I don’t usually get sick, but I <3 rain
  14. Would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? elevator
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? no…checks to see if there was oh, look at that =P 18.for a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? no
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? no
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one?it was ok


Answer #13
  1. What are you thinking right now? about food, lol :)
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? chris brown.
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? yes :(
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? pee standing up. haha
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? this b*tch hamed tiffany
  6. What are you afraid of? spiders, dying alone and not be loved. :(
  7. Are you cat or dog person? cat person 8.do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? yup
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? hit tiffany in the head with it.
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? mango!
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? I don’t know..
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? 0 times
  12. Do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? no
  13. Do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? yes
  14. Would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? locked in a locker
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? nope. didnt notice. 18.for a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? hell yea, if no one was there.
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? hell no
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? its cool. I guess.
Answer #14
  1. What are you thinking right now? wishing that my computer wasn so slow
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? john cena
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? always
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? examine myself lol and be freaked out
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? all my enemies
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? spiders and snakes..I just am
  7. Are you cat or dog person? both 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone yup lol
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? nothing probably lol
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? strawberries
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you getting saved
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? yeah (speed limit) have no idea
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? yup LOL
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? yup
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? stuck in an elevator, at least id have room
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? no, b/c I didnt notice it til I read this question 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? no, I have more repsect than that
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? no, I respect myself
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? yes and yes lol
Answer #15
  1. What are you thinking right now? Music
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? …I dont know
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? pfff yeah
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? rake advantage of it
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? no one
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? snakes, they’re creepy
  7. Are you cat or dog person? both 8.do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone: haha yeah
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? through it at someones window
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? strawberries
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you: I got major cash
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? yeah maybe iduno like a couple
  12. Do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? no
  13. Do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? no
  14. Would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? elevator I need a lil room
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? didnt even notice lol 18.for a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? hmm iduno guess I’ll have to find out
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? …no
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one? fun and yeah
Answer #16
  1. What are you thinking right now? How tired I am.
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? the president
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?Yup
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? Scream my head off and go insane
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? Gilbert(jerk)
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? bees;had a bad past with them
  7. Are you cat or dog person? Cat 8.do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone ?Yeah
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? I don’t know
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? Peach!=PYum!
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you?I don’t know
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? I forget.
  12. Do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? I like both.
  13. Do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? YES!
  14. Would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? Locker
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? Yeah now that you mention it… 18.for a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? yeah!
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? NO!!!
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one?Fun.
Answer #17
  1. What are you thinking right now? That irene is such an awsome friend!!
  2. If you could meet anyone who would it be? Irene :P
  3. Have you ever took a picture of yourself and a few days later you hated it?? Yup
  4. If you woke up a different gender what would you do? I don’t know lol
  5. If you could punch anyone who would it be? my uncle
  6. What are you afraid of? And why? Clowns
  7. Are you cat or dog person? both! 8.Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? nawt anymore :P
  8. If you had a brick right now what would you do? Throw it @ a car :P
  9. What kind of fruit would you be? Apple
  10. What’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to you? I don’t know =(
  11. Did you ever break the law? How many times? Yes, 2 times
  12. do you like ketchup but hate tomatoes? YES!!!
  13. do you like the rain but hate getting sick afterwards? yes and no
  14. would you rather be locked up in a locker over night or stuck in an elevator for a week? umm elevator 4 a week
  15. Did you wonder why there isn’t a number 11 question? No 18.For a million dollars, would you run around butt naked into a church? sure why nawt
  16. Would you sleep with a hobo for $500 dollars? no
  17. Is this a fun survey or should I make different one?its a fun survey and ya you should
Answer #18
  1. About my birth control pills
  2. Omarion
  3. No
  4. I would do guy stuff
  5. punch anyone? no one
  6. I’m afraid of pain because I’m afraid to get hurt.
  7. cat person
  8. I love to sing in the car alone.
  9. If I had a brick I would throw it in a lake.
  10. I would be a peach
  11. When I went to B2K’s concert.
  12. No, I’m a good girl.
  13. no
  14. I never been sick after being in the rain.
  15. Maybe stuck on a elevator for a week because being in a locker you can’t move.
  16. no
  17. no, I respect Churches.
  18. no
  19. pretty good
Answer #19

1: My fiance needs to wake up already! 2: I want to meet Marilyn Manson - I’m obsessed with him 3: Of course - we are our own worse critics. 4: I would masterbate to see how it feels, have sex with someone to see how it feels, pee spinning in a circle, and go into a locker room to hear what men talk about. 5: I dont like violence. 6: I’m afraid of losing my loved ones, for obvious reasons 7: A dog person - I have 4 8: Absolutely! I have a radio in my shower! 9: Why would I have a brick - it’s dirty I’m not touching it 10: I dont want to be a fruit either - you would have a very short life 12: Giving birth to my son 13: Yes, more than I can count, and I’ve been in jail twice. 14: I like tomatos but hate Ketchup 15: I love the rain and it does not make me sick 16: Locker for a night - it doesn’t last as long 17: Yeah, who the hell leaves out a number. 18: Yepp sure would, I have no problem with nudity and I dont like churches anyways 19: Nope, I’m faithful and 500 dollars is NOT a lot of money 20: It’s allright.

Answer #20

1.im thinking about my answers for this survey 2.I would whant to meet P!NK she rocks!! 3.yes 4.cry 5.all of the teachers who were mean to me 6.im afraid of my mom dying because shes all that I have 7.both 8.yes 9.throw it in the street to watch it break 10.apple 12.I got my first pet when I was five 13.yes.too many to count 14.yes 15.yes 16.locked up in a locker 17.no 18.hell yes 19.no 20.its fun :)

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