A Question On Discharge

A few days ago I got a slight bit of brown discharge along with some mucous but only a small amount. Then a couple of days later I got a small amount of brown discharge on my panties along with a bit of yellow, like it was a mucous stain. Then a day later I got one small amount of bright pink or red stringy mucous. (Sorry for TMI!) Is this just the start of my period?

Answer #1

It might be the start of your period but than again it might be a STD or other infection. The only way you can find out for sure is by going to a doctor and getting it check out.There are some free clinics that would help you for free and everything would be in confidence, meaning your parents or anyone else won’t know about it if you don’t want them to. To find a free clinic in your area try sites like » www.teensource.org or even go to google and type in free clinics.

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