How can a pathetic single guy talk to the girl?

Sup everyone! Ok so theres this chick in my french class that I think is really pretty… but she’s also really quiet, I’ve only seen her talk like twice. And well she sits on the opposite side of the room as me. And I really havent talked to her yet because I only noticed her like 3 days ago. I dont want to make too sudden of a move, yet there’s really no opening for me to get to know her without it looking like im asking her out. Oh and by the way, we have different lunch periods. Any advice?

Answer #1

well lol im only 12 so sorry if this sucks ummm try, if u like meet her in the hall,just say hey and talk like for a few, ask1 of ur friends to talk to her, the classes that u do have together, u cud talk to her b4 and after class. start a conversation with her try to socialize with her more if u get to be close friends, u cud take her to the mall or some where and hang out then u cud tell her how u feel good luck man

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