Is it illegal to hack?

I know I know its not good but I just want to know if its illegal.

Some people say it is and some other people say it isn’t. I’m not for sure though because if you type in hacker on search for myspace look how many come up..really…its scary.

Answer #1

It is illegal but if we take the permission of the user whp e-mail or website we are going to hack.Then it is no problem.

Answer #2

yeaah. it’s illegal.

Answer #3

DUH its ilegal to hack. How do you not learn this you shoul have learned this is 6th grade. and if you hack it’s possible to get a fine of $170,000+ and probaly 5 years sentenced to jail of just that peer court

Answer #4

yea dawg its illegal but I’ve got systems on my computer that block out leaving a digital fingerprint that they can trace I’m a serious hacker and dude…I ant never gettin caught

Answer #5

Hacking is only illegal if you don’t have the person’s permission to hack into their system. There are professional hackers who get paid to break into companies servers in order to test out the security.

Answer #6

Laws concerning hacking. . . I’m afraid the general term hacking does concern illegal activity since most people I know who do it with a legal purpose usually call it coding. . . . Link concerning hacking.

Answer #7

Hacking is only illegal if you don’t have the person’s permission to hack into their system. There are professional hackers who get paid to break into companies servers in order to test out the security.

Answer #8

It’s illegal for you to do it, but not to pay someone else to

Answer #9

“I know I know its not good but I just want to know if its illegal.

Answering your own question should provide insight into your own question. You said hacking is not good but then you question hacking’s legality. If you have the feeling that what you are doing is wrong, then you are questioning your ETHICS. Should you be doing what you are doing? Are you doing something not intended by the original designers that will harm another individual or society, or are you doing something not intended by the original designers that will help an individual or society when you step back and question your actions? You have to make a decision about your ethics, and accept the consequences.

I assume you are talking about black-hat hacking and not white-hat hacking. If that’s the case, then it depends on the law of the lands. If you are trying to gain access to something you shouldn’t have access to or are disrupting a service in a country with little to no computer crime laws then your chances of going to prison will be lower. If you are in a country or your target system, device, or service is in a country with well defined cyber-crime laws then you had better have a good lawyer, or be lucky.

“Some people say it is and some other people say it isn’t. I’m not for sure though because if you type in hacker on search for myspace look how many come up..really…its scary.”

Myspace? Ok, your not playing with the big boys, so nobody really cares. What you should have asked is “Is it illegal to be a nuisance or a Myspace stalker?” Seriously, do you expect the FBI to haul you off for trying to check your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s, or both person’s, profile? Not a chance. Maybe you’ll get a wrist slap for being a vandal. If someone gets caught, then I feel no sympathy for anyone who intentionally hurts innocent people.

Answer #10

It depends on what you man by hacker.

Originally a hack meant something ineligant. A hack writer might turn out sleazy paper backs every month instead of writing literature. Similarily a programmer or technician might refer to a “spit and bailing wire” fix to a problem as a hack even today though the term “kludge” has been gaining popularity for this sort of thing.

Later hacker came to mean someone with a curiosity in the inner workings of things. People used to hack phone systems. A few decades ago it was very easy to steal long distance service with a little techncial information. The hackers who did this sort of thing got satesfaction more from learning how the phone system worked than the free long distance. Many of the things hackers did were not illegal at all but were just odd. They might become fascinated with some arcane technical issue then spend a lot of time learning all they could about it just for the joy of mastering it.

Now hacker has come to mean someone who breaks into things. A few years ago someone came up with the term “cracker” for someone who cracks computer defenses to make a distinction between someone who breaks into things and the original meaning of hacker which someone with a intellectual curiosity in how things work.

A lot of people see hackers as an outlaw ideal and want to be hackers themselves. Lacking the technical knowledge and the patience needed to acquire it they use other people’s programs to break into things. The term for these hacker wannabes is “Skript Kiddie” or “S’kiddie”

Answer #11

Im a hacker a whitehat hacker. hacking isnt technicaly illegal it all depends on how you use it. its skiddies and crackers who do illegal activty.

Hacking is the science of computing its about the reverse engineering and understanding of things. its about knowing how everything functions and knowing how to change it alter it, make it do what it wasnt orginnaly design to do. like if something in computing had a master plan, its about knowing that master plan and being able to change it. and its about security. I work on securing network security. its about the protection against invaders.

but using hacking to attack can be very illegal. like using DDoS attacks against a server or infecting someones pc, if caught your going to jail. Thats why its importain to make sure that anyone who is attacking must hide their tracks and remain anonymous through proxys or a VPN= virtual private network.

like if someone has infected me its very easy to spot their ip. ten all I have to do is report their ip to their ISP then their in for it. and remember every where you go on the net your ip is loged the exact time and date. when your ip is reported the ISP checks your logs if you have commited a crime the authoritys will be showing up on your front porch

Answer #12

Is hacking illegal? Well, let’s evalutate the situation, shall we? What does hacking mean any ways? It means putting your abnormally large nose into other people’s business, and that’s not even the half of it! By hacking, you’re allowing yourself to enter into a location where you are not welcome, and that’s basically breaking an entry. Hacking into other people’s files, finding out secrets that they’d sworn to protect with their lives, undermining other people’s self worth by reading stuff that they wouldnt want others to find out about, it’s like breaking into a house and stealing all of one’s valuable possessions! …it’s not even ethical, nor is it moral. All in all, it’s just inhumane. So is hacking illegal? I dont know, after reading this, u tell me!!

Answer #13

To “Hack” is not illegal. To Hack a server owned by someone that says you are not welcome surely is illegal. Think of this like a public building full of information versus someone’s house or apartment. You can walk right into a library look around and so long as you don’t take anything without asking you are golden. This would be a friendly use of the term “hacking”. Using the skills you learned to enter the library (ie going through the door) done to someone’s personal home without asking them first would be illegal. Changing anything that belonged to the person or removing anything would just be more crimes added to the initial breaking and entering.

So hacking is really just someone’s capability to enter a door on the internet or on a server. (There are alslo program “hacks”, but I won’t explain the relative meanings of altering code). Opening a door is not illegal. Opening the wrong door or taking things from what you do there is. The how of opening the door really is a geek thing that can get a bit wordy and involve too much to really get into on this answer.

We do have a hacker forum on this site for more useful information even though I admit that I havent’ visited it myself.

Answer #14

DUH its ilegal to hack. How do you not learn this you shoul have learned this is 6th grade. and if you hack it’s possible to get a fine of $170,000+ and probaly 5 years sentenced to jail of just that peer court

Answer #15

Here you can read the law word for word. search code 1030 to read the federal law.

Answer #16


I am a programmer, so I am very familiar with hacking. The term “hacking” merely means a modification to a computer code, not by-passing or breaking the code security barrier. The coding used for email, for example, is designed to produce a way for indivuals to communicate privately and securely online, and therefore has a security barrier that ‘locks and hides’ the code in order to keep it from being modified.

If you were involved with breaking a “locked” code in order to access someone’s personal info without their permission or proper authorization, you would be just as guilty as though you were breaking into someone’s home, safe, car ,etc,. Don’t forget that getting into affairs not your own or specifically designated for public use is just wrong.


Answer #17

Yes it is illegal i think but only if you get caught. my friend got hacked and it sucked because the person changed all of her info and said that her religion was buddha, she was a lesbian, and she was basically a freak. It was odd and sad but she got her password back and now it’s normal! I must admit it was a bit funny just because she was so p!sssed and they also said theat she was an asian superman?! Haha weird people out there.

Answer #18


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